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Showing posts with label The Flame of Refinement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Flame of Refinement. Show all posts

March 31, 2013

The Atonement

Today, as it is Easter Sunday, I want to make a special post. Sure, modesty posts are fun, but I really want to write something that will bring the Spirit to your heart. I pray I may be able to do so.

February 3, 2013

Making and Keeping Decisions God's Way

Hi Ladies (and Lads),
   So, I'm finally back to writing articles. And I wanted to share something that I've shared with some friends of mine and has had great significance in my life.
    About a year ago, I was faced with a decision I had honestly not expected. I thought I knew where I was going to go to high school.  Surely, I would be a Falcon like my older brothers. But as I closed the end of my 8th grade year, I started to question my decision.
     I remembered kneeling down and asking God to help me know where to go. Immediately after praying, I got up and began looking at a website for an online school.  I have never felt the Spirit more strongly.  It was like the Spirit was pouring down from Heaven. I could not deny the feeling.
    The feeling was that I should jump.  I should leave my friends and comfort zone, and set out into the world of online schooling. I will be eternally grateful for that decision.  I will be eternally grateful I followed that prompting. 

Today, I'd like to talk a little bit about making and keeping decisions God's way.  These tips don't just apply to decisions pertaining to education, but to all decisions.  I hope that these may help you some way.

1. Thy Will Be Done: I know, you've heard this a million times. But these are truly the most valuable 4 words in the English (or whatever) language.  I have tried praying only wanting to hear what I wanted to be done.  I have struggled against the Spirit, not wanting to hear what he had to say.  But that isn't how life works.  Only when you pray with the express intent to hear what God has to say will you get the true answer.

2. Trust in God: Accompanying "thy will be done" must be the eternally resounding word of "trust."  Said President Hinckley:
It isn’t as bad as you sometimes think it is.
It all works out. Don’t worry.
I say that to myself every morning.
It will all work out.
Put your trust in God,
and move forward with faith
and confidence in the future.
The Lord will not forsake us.
He will not forsake us.
If we will put our trust in Him,
if we will pray to Him,
if we will live worthy of His blessings,
He will hear our prayers.
            How will God be able to trust us if we don't trust him?  It is like the trust fall. Sure, you may feel like you're falling to your death, but you must not forget that he is there to catch you. He has designed your future. He knows your past. He knows your weaknesses and how to improve them. He knows your strengths and how you can use them.  He knows you. He knows what you are going through.  The Father of Your Soul has only your good in mind. Though sometimes it may hurt, trust in him. Love him enough to trust him.  Trust him enough to feel his love through the pain.
3. Don't be afraid of no answers:  Sometimes, after praying and keeping the commandments and doing all we can, we still don't get an answer. It is not that God is ignoring you or doesn't care, but rather that he may be trusting you enough to make your own decision.  After studying it out, make the best decision and go forward with it. If you accidentally head the wrong way, he will catch you before you fall.  Otherwise, continue forward.  If God is putting his trust in you to make that decision, you should also put your trust in yourself and his judgement!     
I once was faced with a decision that God decided to have me make.  After praying and fasting, I was getting to answer as to where I should go for Jr. High.  I remember asking my dad, "Why am I not getting an answer?" My dad responded, "Well, Julie, maybe he trusts you enough to make your own decision." So I made my own decision to the best of my judgement. However, I did not know that I had made the right decision until nearly a year later, on the last day of 7th grade. How grateful I am that God tested my faith in not only him, but myself!  He did not stop me in the process, because he knew I was making the right decision. But he did not reveal that I had made the right choice until after I had kept my decision.
4. Have confidence in your obedience:  This is the answer I got after I first started at my new school.  The change was hard. It wasn't that that people weren't nice (because they're amazing), the teachers weren't good enough (because they're fabulous!), or the style wasn't for me. It was just that I was adjusting to the homework load. I remember getting so frustrating and feeling so unbalanced. Well, one day, the Holy Ghost spoke 5 words to my soul that will eternally ring true.
Have confidence in your obedience!  I don't know everything. But I do know that God led me in that decision. And I should be confident that he would not ask me to do anything that was impossible.  Just like Nephi, I knew that God would never give me something that was too difficult. (1 Nephi 3: 7)  I remember that every time school gets hard, or life in general gets hard. 
I challenge you to make decisions Heavenly Father's way.  Have trust in him. Be willing to do his will. And, if he does not respond, have faith in yourself and his judgement.
I challenge you to keep your decisions Heavenly Father's way. Don't doubt your ability. Be confident in your obedience. For he is holding your hand and will not lead you astray.
Handout *Picture by Bradley*

October 6, 2012

My Testimony

So, my Seminary teacher encouraged us all to share our testimony of Christ with a friend....and since you're all my friends, I shall share it on The Flame. 
    It's hard to collect your thoughts, even when you don't have to verbally speak them.  And though it is hard to detect emotion, feelings, or truth, often, through written words, I hope you will still somehow be able to read this in the way I wrote it.

   My testimony is not an elaborate list of knowledge and belief.  It is not a complex and wordy talk that will go down in history.  In fact, I highly doubt hardly anyone will read this.  But if you do, I hope it is profitable unto you.

   I know that Christ lives.  Plain and simple.  He helped create this world in seven days.  Seven days!  Consider the power and the majesty of that!  I know (or at least picture it) that Christ was sitting down with me, along with Heavenly Father, when we wrote the rough draft of my happily ever after and divine destiny.  He told me I could do it.  I promised I would. 
   I know He hung on a cross for me.  He died for me.  He showed the greatest example ever of infinite love and charity.  He holds the purest love in His heart for me.  He has engraved His holy name upon my heart, and I will forever cherish it.  It is because of Him I am who I am.  It is because of Him I have the strength to go through what I do.  He has suffered every grief, every misfortune, every weakness of my soul.  And He did it because He loves me. 

  I know that Christ and Heavenly Father are not dead.  Their words of inspiration still flow from the mouths of modern prophets.  They love us in these latter days just as much as they loved the children in the days of Noah or in the days of the 1st 12 Apostles. 

   And I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true.  No doubt.  Coupled with the atoning power of Christ and the love of God, it is one of the fundamental things in life that keeps me going.  Without it, I would not be here.  Without it, I would not be writing this blog.

 Thus it is, my testimony.  In the sacred name of my Savior, Jesus Christ: Amen.


September 30, 2012

Agency: The Wolf You Feed

We learned about this in my Seminary class.
I strongly encourage you to read this article.  It is about our wonderful gift of agency, and how we "choose which wolf we feed."
"No man can serve to masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and mammon**." - Matthew 6: 24

**Mammon means riches, the world, and worldly goods.

August 19, 2012

Examples of Amazing Young Women

Hi Friends!
  Here are a few videos I found about some amazing young women in our times!  They truly are examples of the "Flame" and hold up the Light of Christ.  Click, enjoy, and comment!

-This video is about a girl's search to know the validity that God is there and that she had a testimony of the truth.
-This video is about a trial a girl and her family went through, and the faith that she had.
-This video is about a girl who, despite her ailment, chose to serve others and help those less fortunate than her.
-This video is about a girl who has blessed others through her talent, and shown her gratitude through sharing her gifts.

August 17, 2012


Hi Ladies!
  I got on today, not really knowing what it was I should post about. 
  Now, I think I know.
  To start off, I wanted to post this video from

I love that video.  It reminds me of a story that my stake president told in a high council meeting, which my father was in attendance. 
When my stake president was young and my hometown Syracuse was just farmland, he had a bike.  He loved this bike.  It was his favorite toy.  But one day it broke, and his father took him to the landfill to throw away his bike.
Years later, just like Idaho Falls, Syracuse's landfill is now a park. There are homes there.  There are trees, families, and even ponds.
Just like in the video, it would be ridiculous to dig my stake president's bike back up.  Why would you want something broken to resurface in your life, and destroy the beauty that has replaced it?
Just like these two stories, we all have mistakes, weaknesses, addictions, problems, and issues.  But once we give them over to Christ, it would be ridiculous to try to get them back. 
That's the wonderful thing about the Atonement and the Savior.   Christ can make shortcomings into successes and gross landfills of sin into beautiful parks. 
Once we have given our sins over to Christ, we should not try to reclaim them.  We should not return to them.  Carrying around a broken bike for the rest of our life would be clutter.  We should not hoard our mistakes, shortcomings, or issues.

It's time to let your landfill become a park.


August 12, 2012

Magnify Your Calling: As a Friend

  Have you ever really thought of friendship as a calling??
  Though you don't get set apart by a priesthood holder or attend regular meetings, friendship is a calling of its own.
   In Mosiah Chapter 18, in verse 9 it reads:
    Yea, and are awilling to mourn with those that bmourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as cwitnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death...

  As friends, don't we do many of those things?  Haven't you ever comforted a friend, mourned alongside them, or stood up for your standards while with them?

  I believe that friendship is a very important calling, one that is both easy and hard, challenging and rewarding. 
   Presdient Henry B Eyring, in this message, talks about friendship.  He says:
One of the great tributes the Savior can give is to call us “friends.” We know that He loves with a perfect love all of His Heavenly Father’s children. Yet for those who have been faithful in their service with Him, He reserves this special title. You remember the words from the 84th section of the Doctrine and Covenants: “And again I say unto you, my friends, for from henceforth I shall call you friends, it is expedient that I give unto you this commandment, that ye become even as my friends in days when I was with them, traveling to preach the gospel in my power” (D&C 84:77).
We become His friends as we serve others for Him. He is the perfect example of the kind of friend we are to become. He wants only what is best for His Heavenly Father’s children. Their happiness is His happiness. He feels their sorrow as His own because He has paid the price of all their sins, taken upon Himself all their infirmities, borne all their troubles, and felt all their longings. His motives are pure. He seeks no recognition for Himself but to give all glory to His Heavenly Father. The perfect friend, Jesus Christ, is completely selfless in offering happiness to others.
Each of us who has made the baptismal covenant has promised to follow His example to bear one another’s burdens as He would (see Mosiah 18:8).
In the next few days you will have many opportunities to be a friend for Him. It may be as you walk on a dusty road. It may be as you sit down in a railroad car. It may be as you look for a place to sit in a Church congregation. If you are watching, you will see someone carrying a heavy burden. It may be a burden of sorrow or loneliness or resentment. It may be visible to you only if you have prayed for the Spirit to give you eyes to see into hearts and have promised to lift up the hands that hang down.

I hope we all embrace and magnify our calling as friends in this world.  :)


August 10, 2012

Magnify Your Calling: Church Service Callings as Presidency

  So as metioned in our previous post "Magnify Your Calling", the Flame is going to be posting a few things about magnifying different callings.  Enjoy, comment, and ask questions! Thanks.

Chruch Service Callings
   At the age of young womanhood, there aren't quite as many callings to be had.  But I believe that the callings that are commonly extended to youth are some of the most wonderful and intimate (or personal) callings in the Church.
   Many of you may be serving in class presidencies.  I have served in a number of presidencies, and I can tell you with all honesty that there is something special about these callings.  They are a call of leadership, but also of fellowship.
    The main purpose of a class presidency is to fellowship, love, and bring others unto Christ.  We must strive to develop a personal relationship with each one of the girls and show genuine love, compassion, and friendship. 
   How do we magnify our callings by fellowshipping?  What does it even mean to fellowship?
  In the online dictionary, it says:
   Fellowship: the condition or relation of being a fellow: the fellowship of humankind; community of interest, feeling, etc.
   Fellowshipping is really about becoming friends with one another.  One great thing I love about my ward is how close and friendly all the girls are.  I've noticed various people reaching out to other girls of different ages, likes, interests, and lifestyles.  I strongly admire those who break the boundaries of designated groups.  One beautiful thing my old Beehive counselor said was, "We must not have any -ites among us.  No cheerleader-ites, no soccer-ites, no scholar-ites."
  How do you fellowship in a presidency?
  I believe fellowshipping is one of the greatest ways to magnify your calling.  Do the small, simple things that Christ would've done.  Remember that no act of kindness is too small.
   Some things I've seen done in presidencies to help fellowship include:
  •      Taking cookies or treats to the girls.  My presidency has been doing this.  You just make some cookies, attach a little love note, sign from the presidency, and then doorbell ditch them.  It works great!  They are always so grateful afterwards and can really feel the love.
  •      Welcome new girls or girls advancing into your class.  Go deliver a gift, stop by her house and talk to her, or things like that.  Remember to make her feel special.  Don't forget to announce her presense in opening exercises and help the girls get to know her.  We does this funny thing where if there is anybody who is new, they have to respond to three random questions.  It helps them to feel loved and cared about.
  •        Sit by a new person everyday.  Don't just always sit by your friends.  Encourage the rest of the class to do so as well.  Remember: the presidency can set a great example and encourage positive, friendly trends in their class.
    LOVE!  It's so simple sounding, but just make sure that they all know they are loved.  Call them if they miss church or mutual and tell them you missed them!  Greet them with love!  In my Mia Maid class, we've started a little prayer jar.  It contains the names of all our Mia Maids.  We draw a new name every week, and pray throughout the week for her to have a great week and to feel of our love.


   One important thing to remember in bringing souls to Christ, fellowshipping, and loving is to be like Christ.  I like to put it like this: It's the vowels - a, e, i, o, and u.
   A is for Accept: Accept them.  It does not matter when they come or in what state they come in, accept them.  Let them feel that you love them.  Try not to judge for their flaws or differences, just accept them for who they are.
  E is for Encourage: Encourage not only in Church activity, but also in whatever else they do.  Recognize their accomplishments, encourage them, and uplift them.
   I is for 'I love...': Don't over-shower them with compliments, but make sure that you still give them.  It is always so great feeling when others compliment you.  "I love your dress..." "I loved that comment you gave in Sunday School today..." "I love you!"
   O is for Open: Open not only the door for them to come to activities, but open your heart.  Be open to their suggestions, to their complaints, and to their struggles.
   And finally, U for Unify: Unify your girls.  Unify in love, in fun, in spiritual experiences, in the gospel, and in faith.

Magnify Your Calling

Hi Ladies!
   Lately, I've been thinking about callings.  I wanted to share a little bit with you on that topic today.

   First of all, what are our callings in life?

   There are several different callings that we may be asked to accept.  We may have accepted them in the premortal realm.  It may be a calling that God asked you to fulfill before you were born.  And you accepted, telling him you would do anything he required of you.
    It may be a church calling.  You could be serving as a member of a presidency, a family history specialist, or in some other capacity.
    Or it may be a call to be a mother, a sister, a friend, a missionary, a wife, a daughter, or so forth.

  There are more callings in this life than just those that the bishop extends to you.  But no matter what your calling may be, magnify your calling. 
   What does it mean to magnify your calling?  How do we magnify our calling?

   In the next few weeks, I will be describing some ways we can magnify our own personal callings. I also encourage you to pray sincerely about your callings in life and to study it out.

President Monson said:
I would hope that we would not lose the real objective of our cherished opportunities to serve. That objective, that eternal goal, is the same spoken of by the Lord and found in the Pearl of Great Price: “For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.”1
May we ever remember that the mantle of membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not a cloak of comfort but rather a robe of responsibility. Our duty, in addition to saving ourselves, is to guide others to the celestial kingdom of God.

   I hope each of us can learn better about magnifying our callings and letting our "flame'' glow and grow. 


August 6, 2012

We are Beautiful

  In April 2006, President Hinckley gave a talk in the Priesthood Session of General Conference.  In it he said:
  A week ago this hall was filled with beautiful young women who are striving to live the gospel. They are generous toward one another. They seek to strengthen one another. They are a credit to their parents and the homes from which they come. They are approaching womanhood and will carry throughout their lives the ideals which presently motivate them.
   I love that quote, but even more - I love it when it is applied to you and me.  Like this (insert your name instead of the ones used):
   A week ago this hall was filled with beautiful women, like Cassidy, who are striving to live the gospel.  Amanda is generous to others.  Jane seeks to strengthen others.  Alice is a credit to her parents and the home from which she comes.  Madi is approaching womanhood and will carry througout her life the ideals which presently motivate her.
   I love applying to myself, and I hope you do too.  Here's a little breakdown of what "we are" according to President Hinckley.
    "A week ago this hall was filled with beautiful women (like you), who are striving to live the gospel."
    Ask yourself this question:
    How is beauty connected with living the gospel?
    Elaine Dalton says, "The world places so much emphasis on physical attractiveness and would have you believe that you are to look like the elusive model on the cover of a magazine. The Lord would tell you that you are each uniquely beautiful. When you are virtuous, chaste, and morally clean, your inner beauty glows in your eyes and in your face. My grandfather used to say, 'If you live close to God and His infinite grace—you won’t have to tell, it will show in your face.'"
     By living your standards, you are beautiful!
    The next part says, "(You) are generous to others.  (You) seek to strengthen others."
    This reminds of our baptismal covenants in Mosiah 18. 
    8 And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are adesirous to come into the bfold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light;
9 Yea, and are awilling to mourn with those that bmourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as cwitnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the dfirst resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—
     Next, "you are a credit to your parents and home...."
     What does it mean to credit your home?   
     In my view, it means to contribute to your home.  Follow the "Family" standards in the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet.  Help your siblings.  Love and assist your parents.  Be an example to your family.
      Lastly -
      They are approaching womanhood and will carry throughout their lives the ideals which presently motivate them.
      -Live your standards.  Never lower your standards.  Always keep them high and let them be your motivation.-
    Love President Hinckley.  And I love what "we are."

July 9, 2012

River...Even if it hurts

   I don't think I've told you this story, but I'm going to anyway. :)

   I go to Camp Woodland for my girls' camp.  I love it!  There are no cabins for the girls, but there is an ampitheatre, bathrooms, a HUGE field, and tons of nature.  But one thing I know the girls absolutely love (at least in my ward) is the river.

   The river that runs through Camp Woodland is nothing like a luscious soak where you can float merrily down the way, singing "I love Mormon Boys and just can't lie..." 

   No, this river is a he-man-woman-loved river!  It is freezing (like 20 degrees F freezing).  It (on average) usually gets about (at max) 5 feet deep.  If that.  Depends on the rain season.  And even better, there are little leeches (that you find kissing the backs of your thighs), dangling branches that just want to insnare you, and rapids.

  And then the YCLS have to tell you all about how a girl drowned in there (don't think so.)  But, let's say that, by the end of their little river intro, you are shivering in your water shoes...and you haven't even stepped foot in the river.

  So, you wait in a line to get your big inner tube blown up and then waddle down the slope towards the river with your sisters. 

   Ah there she is.  Beautiful.  Bishop is fishing with a few of the Priesthood bretheren.  The young women in front of you are squealing.  You hear a shreek as you get closer to stepping in.  Isn't that just dang relaxing?! 

  And when you step in, you debate whether you want to warm your legs up afterwards by dumping a pale of stove water on it or sticking your leg in the fire.  OH, DANG IS IT COLD???!!!!  Cold like...shaking bones cold.

   And you wonder why we are so daring (and maybe a little crazy) enough to step into that river every year?  It's called adrenaline.

  And the scouts thought that girls' camp is for wusses.

  The worst part about your first meeting with the river is having the courage to jump onto your inner tube.  Especially if you've already tried twice, and, each time, you ended up tipping.  And then, you start squealing and trying to stop yourself so the other girls can catch up.

  Sometimes we link hands.  It's a great feeling of safety.  We glide down the softer part of the river, trying to not get too close to the sides.  Dangling branches are a hazard...and OUCH do they hurt!!

  As you progress, there are mud banks.  Last year, I got stuck in it.  Tell me to go off a roller coaster - no prob.  Get me stuck in a mud bank, screaming and flailing arms!!  Poor Melissa had to pull me out of the mud bank, because I was so panicked. 

  Then there are the rapids. We have a's "BUMS UP!"  If you don't follow YCL guidelines, than you oh-so-uncomfortably meet Mr. Bolder. 

  Last year, the river was like a deathly game we liked to play.  We had had a huge rainstorm and it was still showing signs of raining.  The water was up and it was fast.  Many girls nearly got sucked under the blocking ropes.  Some accidentally got pulled into the wrong way. 

  Why I tell you this is not to tell you a horror story about a Weber County Church camp.  No.  But rather to emphasize the importance of help.  I could've gotten myself out of the mud bank by myself, but I probably would've lost my shoes and gotten stuck in the process.  I get so scared by the prospect of drowning, sometimes I can't get myself in the right direction.

  One great thing about life is that it is hard.  It is scary. But we can have fun too!  We can enjoy the ride, even if it hurts.  And we must stay away from those dangerous edges and extremes.  God loves us and has given us support.  Friends.  Family.  And we have lifejackets, like prayer and church attendance.  I would be a mad woman to go down the river without a lifejacket.  And God knows that.  He loves me enough to give me the tools I need to get through this river of life safely.

   So, please pray for me at girls' camp.  I'm dang sure I'll be idiotic enough to go in that river (AGAIN).  But this time, I want to enjoy it and not get stuck.  I want to help my little sister on her first river ride.  :) Much love!

You Will Be Carried

Hi Ladies!

   I love my camp leaders this year!  They make me so excited to participate in girls' camp again this year (which is in...well, TOMORROW!)  I am stinkin' excited!
   In Young Womens yesterday, they gave a few announcements.  And for some reason, they really strike me as gospel analogies. 
  One thing they said was about the 2nd day hike.  Sister Bold and Sister Wolf (changed their names) told us about how they are both outdoorsy-type ladies.  They both love nature, running, and so forth.  Sister Bold told us that we had no chance of skipping out on this hike.  And then Sister Wolf added that she would carry us up the mountain if we felt weak.  Nobody was going to stay behind....and they meant it!
  How does my leaders threatening us with a five mile hike apply to the gospel?  Well...
  First of all, how many times are we put in situations where we really don't want to be?  We are tired, we really don't like the outdoors, you think the streams are gross and polluted, the pathways are sure to be swarmed with mosquitos, and you REALLY don't like wearing hiking shoes.  It is hard!  But how would it feel to know that you have a rally of supporters?  They want you on this hike and they need you on this hike.  And this hike will help you become stronger.  And what about when you wear out?  Then you will be carried.  Christ promised that He will walk by you through this hike, AND will even carry you up the mountain, just like Sister Wolf. 
    That's the great thing about the gospel and about our Savior.  We have a rally of supporters to comfort us, cheer us on, and even PUSH us up that mountain - both those in the flesh, and those in the spirit.  No matter how scared you are, no matter how weak you feel, no matter how much you despise sunshine - YOU need this trial. YOU need to walk up this.  Christ did not need to suffer.  He was perfect.  But He chose to...because He knew you would need help up that mountain.  And no matter how hard it feels, YOU can make it and the journey will be fun and worth it!
   Secondly, they told us to pack light.  Sister Wolf said, "One bag.  No suitcases.  And for your backpack...just bring a little Nike one type of thing."
    Now, I know for some people packing light is hard.  I even had to replace my old hunky backpack for a little, lighter bag, and strap some things onto my duffle. 
   How often do we carry along things we don't need?  We carry around a load of sin.  We carry around bad habits and activities.  We carry grudges, pain, anguish, and even hate.  We hold onto the carnal, material items of this world.  So heavy.
   Christ Himself said that "28 aCome unto me, all ye that blabour and are heavy laden, and I will give you crest.
29 Take my ayoke upon you, and blearn of me; for I am cmeek and dlowly in eheart: and ye shall find frest unto your souls." -Matthew 11: 28-29
    What are you personally carrying around on your back?  The sins of yesterday, the worries of tomorrow, the loss of time, the grudge against a fellow brother, the hate of what is going on.  The firly little dresses that (sorry to break it) will not be translated into heaven in the twinkling on an eye.  We must learn to let go of what we don't need, but keep hold of those things that are holy.
   Even the burdens we are called to bear, the callings we hold, the tasks we have been asked to fulfill will become light.  They are for our good to make us stronger and He wouldn't give us more than we can handle.  On the other hand - carrying around a grudge or a two ton bag of clothing isn't for your good.  It won't make you stronger, it will slow you down.  But you will be given the wings of angels, the strength of a thousand men, and the support of your friends, family, and Heavenly Father when you carry those things that are important and that are "for your good."  Like the above scripture, they will "be made light" and you will find rest.
   Some things are hard to let go.  The Anti-Nephi-Lehis were a people of fighting, evil doings, and bad habits before they turned to Christ.  But yet, despite the difficulty of letting go of the tradition of warfare, they buried their swords.  And they buried them deep.
    You cannot bury your sins, lustful wants, or bad habits just two inches beneath the soil.  No, you must love yourself enough to bury them deep in the ground...deep enough that you cannot easily access it.  Carrying a sword around to girls' camp is going to be hard.  And it will only get heavier and heavier.  But, you can let it go. You can bury it and "sin no more."


July 5, 2012

My Glass...Learning to accept who you are and how you look

Hi Girls!
   So, as I was thinking of things I could say on a post today, a few conversations I've had with close friends of mine have came to mind.  As I dissected those conversations mentally, I decided that their material would be ideal for a posting.  So here I go.

   I have a few questions for each of you to answer not only mentally, but deep down in your heart.  Do I realize what I have inside of me?  Do I look past my figure and shape?  Do I love who I am and what I can be filled with, or am I too distracted by trying to bend myself?

  The first two questions are rather simple in meaning.  Do you love what you have on the inside?  In life, it is not about obtaining the perfect shape of body.  It doesn't matter if you are apple, pear, or any other type of fruit.  It doesn't make a dent if you have an hourglass figure or not!  One thing I love to remember is this:

  I was sculpted by the hand of the greatest being, my Heavenly Father.  I am the glasswork of his hands, beautifully unique.  But even more important than the housing He gave me for my spirit, is what I fill my glass with.

  At one point in my day, I was asking myself what body shape I had.   Personally, I'm a pear and an hourglass.  But one thing I realized is it doesn't matter what shape my body is. It doesn't matter how many zits I have on my arms or how many freckles dot my nose.  It doesn't matter how many dates I get, how many emails Mr. Perfect sends me, or how many things that I own.  I still have so much!  I have so many qualities and attributes, talents, and gifts to fill my glass with!  I shouldn't be trying to remold my glasswork, for otherwise I loose the time I could spend filling my glass with!

    I could spend hours in front of the mirror analyzing ways to make me be beautiful to the world.  But one thing I've learned is that God doesn't care what fruit your body resembles!  He cares that you are filling your glass -the potential, the body, and the spirit He's given you - with beautiful things.  You could fill your glass with dirt, just because you don't like the way the glass you were given was created.  Or you could fill it with rubies and gold, even if you don't have the most beautiful glasswork to put it in.

   We must keep our glass clean as well, "unspotted from the world." We can't neglect ourselves or look down upon ourselves just because we aren't shaped "the right way."  Still, we can present ourselves as daughters of God and as beautiful young women!
   I hope you remember the post I made called "Packages."  In it, I included a Scripture Mastery that talked about that God looketh on the inside. 

   I may be shaped like a fruit.  I may be shaped like a glass object you use to track time.  But it doesn't matter. God gave me this body and designed it beautifully.  But more importantly, He made it with the idea in mind that my glass is big enough to hold beautiful things!


June 30, 2012

You Are Not Alone: The Atonement

   Today, I'd like to talk about a topic that is very close to my heart.
    The power and infinincy of the Atonement.
     Please stop for just a moment and ponder what the Atonement means to you.  Why is it important?  Why did it have to happen?  How does it apply to you?
     Besides the amazing forgiveness and healing all of us can find in the Atonement and through Christ, there is one other thing that always sticks out to me.
     Christ has suffered every pain, every affliction, and every heartache I've ever had and will continue to have.  Thereby, I am never alone in my pain. Though it may feel like we are the only ones who understand the pain of whatever we are facing, I promise you - You Are Not Alone. 
     I love the words of the song "Where Can I Turn For Peace."
     He answers privately.  Reaches my reaching.  In my Gesthemene, Savior & Friend.
    I sang that song in Sacrament a few weeks ago and starting choking up at that part.  How amazing it is to think that He has been beside you and has felt exactly what you have felt all the way down the road!  In your trials, tribulations, pains, and even in your Gesthemene, He is your everlasting Friend, your loving older brother, your understanding redeemer, and your never ending Savior.
    I promise you, there is no place you can go where His arms cannot reach.  He is there, He loves you, and He knows what you are going through.
He lives to comfort me when faint;
He lives to hear my soul’s complaint.

He lives to silence all my fears;
He lives to wipe away my tears;
He lives to calm my troubled heart;
He lives all blessings to impart.

He lives to bless me with his love;
He lives to plead for me above;
He lives my hungry soul to feed;
He lives to help in time of need.

-I Know That My Redeemer Lives

"The Master's Touch" by Greg Olsen

June 27, 2012

Packages & Geodes: Lessons about the beauty on the inside

To start off, here's a quick analogy for you:

Your local mailman (or lady) comes to the door and shows you two different items:
A beautifully wrapped, bow-on-top type of box.
A plain, old cardboard box with a mailing address sticker on top.

He tells you that you can either have one or the other, but each packaging contains a different content.

Which one would you chooose if you didn't know the contents?

One thing about humans is that they are normally drawn to pretty things.  They want to be pretty.  They want to have the best looking car, the best looking house, the best looking spouse....

But that's not the point.

Sometimes the most beautiful and spectacular items are located in the humblest of packages.
Meaning that you can't always judge a book by its cover.

Some of the most wonderful people I've ever met are not beauty queens or body builders.  Some of the most wonderful and precious qualities are housed inside those who are not necessarily gorgeous.

It is like one of our scripture masteries from last year:  1st Samuel 16: 7

 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord aseeth not as bman seeth; for man looketh on the outward cappearance, but the dLord looketh on the eheart.

I love that scripture.  How often do we judge somebody because they are overweight, short, or have disabilities?  Do we try to get to know their heart?  If we were to see our fellow man through Christ's eyes, we'd see their potential, their inner beauty, and their gifts - not what package they come in.

If we were to be walking down the street together and see this rock (below), what would we think?  Oh, it's just another's of no significance.

But maybe if we were to look a little deeper, to "look on the heart", we would see something deeper.  In reality, that old, dirty looking rock was simply the packaging.  On the inside, we would see...
I hope all of us (including myself) learn to see more than just the package, but we try to  go past the outward appearance.

June 24, 2012

The Day Ever Little Girl Dreams of.....Temple Marriage

I've been dreaming about it since I was just a little girl....

And you probably have been too.

Hi Ladies,

    A few days ago, I got an email from a viewer talking about how much she appreciated the link to LDS Bride under our "Favorites."  She told me how she loves being able to find cute modest clothes.  That inspired me.
    In many Young Womens' lessons, activities, and meetings, we hear about being sealed in the temple.  For those outside of our religion, they may find it hard to see why we adore the temple and why it is our goal. 
    So why is the temple part of the ideal LDS Marriage?
    1. The temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are special holy places.  We believe they are the house(s) of Diety, where Christ Hisself walks.  We believe that through the holy dedicatory prayers and processes, that they are dedicated unto the Lord.  Those who enter must be worthy to enter and obtain a current temple recommend (or CTR.)  This does not signify that the temple patrons are perfected.  We go to the temple to be perfected.  Those who enter with pure hearts and open minds will be able to feel His Spirit in abundance.
    2. We want to be together forever.  Imagine this: You are once again a young child.  Your father one day comes up to you and says, "Here is a special china doll for you."  You love that doll. It is priceless to you.  But, your father said one thing that dampens it all: "You can only have this doll for a week."  That is like becoming part of a family and having a spouse who you love immensely and not being with them for the rest of time and all eternity.  We believe that families can be together...FOREVER!  In the holy temples, families are sealed together through the priesthood, a power given to worthy men through God.  And best of all - this marriage has no experation date.  This family does not have a timer.  We can be together FOREVER!

    I, like many of you good sisters and amazing friends, have put this eternal marriage high on my priority list.  It is worth it!  Being together forever, even if it means not being able to have a close non-LDS friend attend or not being able to get married on the beach, is most important.

    Not only must we seek for godly, Christ-minded, and wonderful men who bear the priesthood, honor their covenants, and think we are the bee's knees (awesome), but we must reflect that.  We must be worthy.  We must honor our covenants.  We must be the virtuous young women that young men would die for!
     I know I've had this part planned out for a long time:  THE DRESS!
     Now, it's not like the dress is all that matters, of course.  The man and the location are the important factors.  But, the dress is fun and it is hard to find modest wedding dresses.  So, in honor of my friend's are a few Latter Day Bride favorites of mine. 

:) Flame

Click on them to see in greater detail! :)
Channing  Helene  Brighton  Littleton  Sunderland  Christella   Gisella  Florentine  Hartford

*Do you have a favorite modest wedding dress company, a favorite dress, or something to say about eternal marriage? Comment/email and let us know!*

June 22, 2012

I Will Stand

Hello Ladies,
    So, in a few weeks (I'm counting down!) I will be privileged to attend my third year of Latter-Day Saint Young Womens' Girls' Camp!  Yeah!  I look forward to this experience every year and start planning and packing weeks in advance. 
     Of course, I will give you the whole spiel once I get back and give you all the juicy details.  But, for now at least, I want to just talk to you about my stake's theme this year:
                                                I Will Stand
  I'm super hoping to get some cute little handouts for you guys that you can print off and put on your fridge, but we'll see.
   What does it mean to stand?
    To me, at least, it means that you are taking your stance in truth and righteousness.  It is you are standing up and showing the world what you believe and that you aren't ashamed to live it.  It means standing for virtue, standing for righteousness, and standing for Christ.  Not only are you standing for Christ when you make the pledge to stand, you are standing with Christ.
    I love this scripture:
    Doctrine & Covenants 84:88
   .....there I will be also, for I will go bbefore your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my cSpirit shall be in your hearts, and mine dangels round about you, to bear you up.
      To me, I think that is a true promise that comes to you when you stand with Christ and for Christ.  He will be with you and you will have the Spirit in your heart.  His angels will be your chaperones and they will aid you in times of trouble.
     Also, one important thing about "I Will Stand" is one point I think can be easily overlooked.  Look at the second word: Will.  It doesn't say "I Will Try to Stand" or "I May Stand."  No, this is a firm covenant. I Will Stand.  I will stand with Christ and I will stand for Christ.  I will stand for truth and righteouness and share my light - my flame. 
     I hope all of us can take up that commitment. It won't be easy.  I cannot say I am perfect at this either. But I know that His promise, given hundreds of years ago, still applies and still always will, as long as we stand.


June 20, 2012 Profile


So, I don't know how many of you know about this.  But, on, one of the LDS Church's websites, there are profile pages.  Each page is made by a different person, talking about their experiences in the gospel, how they like the gospel, and so forth.  It's a great missionary experience and way super easy.  I'm even on there!
All you have to do is go up to the "profile" button on and click "create a profile."  It is super easy and fun!  Please do one!
How can you find me?  Click "meet a Mormon" and then type in the search box Julie composer Utahn.  It will pull up my picture. You click on it to access my profile.  It has a link to this blog on yeah!

June 19, 2012


Hi Ladies,
   I don't know how many of you know Audrey Hepburn.  She's been in several movies including My Fair Lady.  But even more than I love her amazing vocal skills, I love this quote by her:

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!”
-Audrey Hepburn

   Wow, huh?! 
    Impossible is a word I believe was made by faithless men.  Men would say it is impossible for man to walk upon the furious waves of the sea.  In Matthew Chapter 14, though, it proves that anything is possible with faith.
22 ¶And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away.
23 And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to apray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.
24 But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary.
25 And ain the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.
26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.
27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good acheer; it is I; be not afraid.
28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
29 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.
30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was aafraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.
31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little afaith, wherefore didst thou bdoubt?

      Not so impossible.  But, if you look close, you can see that the moment let the thought of "impossible" come to his mind, he let go of faith and nearly drowned in the sea.  He may have been thinking that it was impossible for him to walk across the raging waves, to go through the storm.  But I promise you, nothing is impossible with God.

      Blind men received sight.  Men's books of health and logic would say it is impossible.  But through Christ, men were given eyes to see.  People were raised from the dead.  Hearts were changed.  Lives were blessed.  And, Christ went through what the world would consider impossible.  He bled from every pore, He hung on the cross for us, and He was risen.  Everyday, impossibilities are being changed to possibilities.  Gravity is being defied. 




Yes, I know.

The wonderful subject of dating.

Personally, I'm not even old enough to date.  But, that doesn't mean I can't prep myself to be a worthy young woman to date all this fantastically spiritual young men!

In this post, I'm going to talk a little bit respect on dates.

In the book "What Girls Need to Know About Guys" by John Hilton III and Lani O Hilton, it gives some insightful tips on respect.  I strongly encourage ya'll to read it - I read it in under 24 hours and even read the vice-versa part for boys. 

In a chapter about respect, they say:

When you really know you are a daughter of God and you really feel it, it affects how you act.  True doctrine changes behavior.  It will not only affect how you fix yourself up, how you dress, how you interact with others, but it will affect how you expect to be treated by others.  Think of a princess in ancient times. If she were taken out of her castle, she would still expect to be treated like a princess.  There were certain things she wouldn't put up with.  This is one reason we really need to internalize the principles from the first chapters because if we REALLY feel we are God's supreme creation, we will expect to be treated respectfully.

I love what they say. 

Girls: You are literal daughters of God, sent to this earth to represent Christ.  You are elect and you are divine.  You deserve respect, but you also need to give respect in turn.

Tip One:  "Expect Respect"
    In the Hilton's book, it talks a lot about expecting respect.  But how can you do that?
     -First of all, let the boy be courteous.  I know many head-strong young women who are fully capable of opening the door themselves.  But that's not the point.  It's not the ability of being able to open the door for yourself, but the ability to test both yourself & your date on door-opening skills.  As a daughter of God, you deserve respect.  Expect nothing less.  If he can't do the small acts of respect and treat you like a princess, then he can't respect you in larger aspects.
      -Secondly, wait.  If it takes him a minute to get around to opening your door, then take a minute to double-check your make-up or that your fancy-do stayed in through the drive.  If it takes him a minute to realize that you aren't walking, let him gather up his senses.  Slow down your pace so that he can open the door to the restaurant for you.  If he walks in the building while you are still waiting in the car, stand your ground. 
       -Realize, that like girls, boys sometimes forget.  The Hilton's book reads: You don't have to go to the extreme of waiting forever.  If a young man is not giving you the respect you deserve, be as gracious as you can be.  Some guys aren't used to doing these simple courtesies for women...and may have not been taught this principle in their home.  If you want to bless him for the rest of his life, kindly says something like, "I really like it when guys open doors for me," or even more specifically, "I would really like it if you opened the door for me."  Often they just need to be taught or clearly told, and then they are happy to comply.

Tip Two: Give Respect
     Give respect in return.  Not only should you let him show respect and accept it, but you should show it in return.  Thank him for the night.  Use your manners.  Treat him as a son of God.  Dress modestly.  And most importanly, keep your standards up.

Tip Three: Respect Yourself
    No self-respecting person would waste their time with somebody who doesn't comply to their standards or treat them correctly. 
     Elder Holland says:
     In a dating and courtship relationship, I would not have you spend five minutes with someone who belittles you, one who is constanly critical of you, one who is cruel at your expense and may even call it humor.  Life is tough enough without the person who is supposed to love you leading the assault on your self-esteem, your sense of dignity, your confidence, and your joy.  In this person's care, you derserve to feel physically safe and emotionall secure.

Tip Four: Accept Compliments.
     Accept compliments graciously and sweetly.  If a boy tells you that you look very nice in your dress, accept it!  Don't go back and scream in his face, "I look like a pig.  This dress makes my waist look fat.  Don't you think my thighs look chubby....?"  No, that's awkward.  Accept the compliment!  They really mean it!
Tip Five: Look for the Man Who Honors You
    Lani Hilton says: Girls, a real man will honor you.  Expect the respect you derserve as a daughter of a Heavenly King.  Graciously and gratefully accept the respect that is offered.
     A true prince will automatically know and treat you like the princess you are.  He will never have to be reminded.  He will have been trained in the hand of the Lord to be your worthy prince. 

Here are some adorable videos:  click here
