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March 31, 2013

The Atonement

Today, as it is Easter Sunday, I want to make a special post. Sure, modesty posts are fun, but I really want to write something that will bring the Spirit to your heart. I pray I may be able to do so.

I have just completed a missionary week in my ward. It was inspirational to be able to teach a family with my sweet "companion" about the Plan of Salvation. But, above all, it was miraculous to feel the Spirit flow through us and those we taught, especially as we spoke of the Atonement. I would like to say just a few things about the Atonement this day.

#1. The Atonement is an act of "getting to know us." I know that sounds almost irreverent. However, it really is not. One day as I was sitting in a Fast & Testimony Meeting, the thought came to me that Christ made the Atonement so that He could better get to know me.
This about those who love you, who know you best. Sure, many of them are willing to walk with you through trials, but how many of them would be willing to suffer through it with you? To feel your agony? To feel every pain? Although we all strive for the great love - charity - that enables us to do so, none of us are perfect at it. One of the great things about Christ is that Christ didn't just want to hear about your trials. Although He could get to know you by listening to you, He wanted to know you by walking in your shoes. He wanted to feel every tear, every drop of blood, every agony, every injury, and every moment of despair. He wanted to get to know you! The Atonement, His suffering in Gethsemane, allowed Him to get to know you.

Because He knows our pains and every detail of our lives, He thereby also knows how to carry you through the pains. He knows how to "succor" His people, not just as a group, but as individuals. I feel great comfort knowing there is someone out there who knows more than just my character, my attributes, and my likes, but also my pains, my sins, and my illnesses.

#2. The Atonement covers more than just sins. The Atonement is infinite and it is continuous. It covers every aspect in our lives. Many believe that the Atonement just covers sins. But it covers far more than that. It covers death. Through the Atonement, those we love will be resurrected. We all will be resurrected. The Atonement also covers illnesses, sickness, disease, and health issues. It covers sadness, disappointment, fear, trials, insecurity, failure, and loss. The Atonement truly covers everything. Alma 7:12 says, "And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities."
Alma 7: 12 Handout 2013

#3. The Atonement is a two-sided deal. Many of the world believes that all we have to do to be forgiven is say, "I believe in Jesus. Amen!" However, our part is more. Although Christ did the suffering for us, we must also do something in order to gain the full benefits of the Atonement. We must repent of our sins, follow the commandments, keep covenants, be baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end. None of us are perfect at these, but luckily Christ is there to walk with us along the way.

I know it is real. There is no doubt in my mind. This Sinless Man, Jesus Christ, suffered for me. He loved me enough to die for me! He loved me enough to know me, every aspect of me! I am grateful for that. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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