Your local mailman (or lady) comes to the door and shows you two different items:
A beautifully wrapped, bow-on-top type of box.
A plain, old cardboard box with a mailing address sticker on top.
He tells you that you can either have one or the other, but each packaging contains a different content.
Which one would you chooose if you didn't know the contents?
One thing about humans is that they are normally drawn to pretty things. They want to be pretty. They want to have the best looking car, the best looking house, the best looking spouse....
But that's not the point.
Sometimes the most beautiful and spectacular items are located in the humblest of packages.
Meaning that you can't always judge a book by its cover.
Some of the most wonderful people I've ever met are not beauty queens or body builders. Some of the most wonderful and precious qualities are housed inside those who are not necessarily gorgeous.
It is like one of our scripture masteries from last year: 1st Samuel 16: 7
But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord aseeth not as bman seeth; for man looketh on the outward cappearance, but the dLord looketh on the eheart.
I love that scripture. How often do we judge somebody because they are overweight, short, or have disabilities? Do we try to get to know their heart? If we were to see our fellow man through Christ's eyes, we'd see their potential, their inner beauty, and their gifts - not what package they come in.
If we were to be walking down the street together and see this rock (below), what would we think? Oh, it's just another's of no significance.
But maybe if we were to look a little deeper, to "look on the heart", we would see something deeper. In reality, that old, dirty looking rock was simply the packaging. On the inside, we would see...
I hope all of us (including myself) learn to see more than just the package, but we try to go past the outward appearance.
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