So as metioned in our previous post "Magnify Your Calling", the Flame is going to be posting a few things about magnifying different callings. Enjoy, comment, and ask questions! Thanks.
Chruch Service Callings
At the age of young womanhood, there aren't quite as many callings to be had. But I believe that the callings that are commonly extended to youth are some of the most wonderful and intimate (or personal) callings in the Church.
Many of you may be serving in class presidencies. I have served in a number of presidencies, and I can tell you with all honesty that there is something special about these callings. They are a call of leadership, but also of fellowship.
The main purpose of a class presidency is to fellowship, love, and bring others unto Christ. We must strive to develop a personal relationship with each one of the girls and show genuine love, compassion, and friendship.
How do we magnify our callings by fellowshipping? What does it even mean to fellowship?
In the online dictionary, it says:
Fellowship: the condition or relation of being a fellow: the fellowship of humankind; community of interest, feeling, etc.
Fellowshipping is really about becoming friends with one another. One great thing I love about my ward is how close and friendly all the girls are. I've noticed various people reaching out to other girls of different ages, likes, interests, and lifestyles. I strongly admire those who break the boundaries of designated groups. One beautiful thing my old Beehive counselor said was, "We must not have any -ites among us. No cheerleader-ites, no soccer-ites, no scholar-ites."
How do you fellowship in a presidency?
I believe fellowshipping is one of the greatest ways to magnify your calling. Do the small, simple things that Christ would've done. Remember that no act of kindness is too small.
Some things I've seen done in presidencies to help fellowship include:
- Taking cookies or treats to the girls. My presidency has been doing this. You just make some cookies, attach a little love note, sign from the presidency, and then doorbell ditch them. It works great! They are always so grateful afterwards and can really feel the love.
- Welcome new girls or girls advancing into your class. Go deliver a gift, stop by her house and talk to her, or things like that. Remember to make her feel special. Don't forget to announce her presense in opening exercises and help the girls get to know her. We does this funny thing where if there is anybody who is new, they have to respond to three random questions. It helps them to feel loved and cared about.
- Sit by a new person everyday. Don't just always sit by your friends. Encourage the rest of the class to do so as well. Remember: the presidency can set a great example and encourage positive, friendly trends in their class.
LOVE! It's so simple sounding, but just make sure that they all know they are loved. Call them if they miss church or mutual and tell them you missed them! Greet them with love! In my Mia Maid class, we've started a little prayer jar. It contains the names of all our Mia Maids. We draw a new name every week, and pray throughout the week for her to have a great week and to feel of our love.
One important thing to remember in bringing souls to Christ, fellowshipping, and loving is to be like Christ. I like to put it like this: It's the vowels - a, e, i, o, and u.
A is for Accept: Accept them. It does not matter when they come or in what state they come in, accept them. Let them feel that you love them. Try not to judge for their flaws or differences, just accept them for who they are.
E is for Encourage: Encourage not only in Church activity, but also in whatever else they do. Recognize their accomplishments, encourage them, and uplift them.
I is for 'I love...': Don't over-shower them with compliments, but make sure that you still give them. It is always so great feeling when others compliment you. "I love your dress..." "I loved that comment you gave in Sunday School today..." "I love you!"
O is for Open: Open not only the door for them to come to activities, but open your heart. Be open to their suggestions, to their complaints, and to their struggles.
And finally, U for Unify: Unify your girls. Unify in love, in fun, in spiritual experiences, in the gospel, and in faith.
E is for Encourage: Encourage not only in Church activity, but also in whatever else they do. Recognize their accomplishments, encourage them, and uplift them.
I is for 'I love...': Don't over-shower them with compliments, but make sure that you still give them. It is always so great feeling when others compliment you. "I love your dress..." "I loved that comment you gave in Sunday School today..." "I love you!"
O is for Open: Open not only the door for them to come to activities, but open your heart. Be open to their suggestions, to their complaints, and to their struggles.
And finally, U for Unify: Unify your girls. Unify in love, in fun, in spiritual experiences, in the gospel, and in faith.
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