So, I'm finally back to writing articles. And I wanted to share something that I've shared with some friends of mine and has had great significance in my life.
About a year ago, I was faced with a decision I had honestly not expected. I thought I knew where I was going to go to high school. Surely, I would be a Falcon like my older brothers. But as I closed the end of my 8th grade year, I started to question my decision.
I remembered kneeling down and asking God to help me know where to go. Immediately after praying, I got up and began looking at a website for an online school. I have never felt the Spirit more strongly. It was like the Spirit was pouring down from Heaven. I could not deny the feeling.
The feeling was that I should jump. I should leave my friends and comfort zone, and set out into the world of online schooling. I will be eternally grateful for that decision. I will be eternally grateful I followed that prompting.
Today, I'd like to talk a little bit about making and keeping decisions God's way. These tips don't just apply to decisions pertaining to education, but to all decisions. I hope that these may help you some way.
1. Thy Will Be Done: I know, you've heard this a million times. But these are truly the most valuable 4 words in the English (or whatever) language. I have tried praying only wanting to hear what I wanted to be done. I have struggled against the Spirit, not wanting to hear what he had to say. But that isn't how life works. Only when you pray with the express intent to hear what God has to say will you get the true answer.
2. Trust in God: Accompanying "thy will be done" must be the eternally resounding word of "trust." Said President Hinckley:
It isn’t as bad as you sometimes think it is.
It all works out. Don’t worry.
I say that to myself every morning.
It will all work out.
Put your trust in God,
and move forward with faith
and confidence in the future.
The Lord will not forsake us.
He will not forsake us.
If we will put our trust in Him,
if we will pray to Him,
if we will live worthy of His blessings,
He will hear our prayers.
How will God be able to trust us if we don't trust him? It is like the trust fall. Sure, you may feel like you're falling to your death, but you must not forget that he is there to catch you. He has designed your future. He knows your past. He knows your weaknesses and how to improve them. He knows your strengths and how you can use them. He knows you. He knows what you are going through. The Father of Your Soul has only your good in mind. Though sometimes it may hurt, trust in him. Love him enough to trust him. Trust him enough to feel his love through the pain.
3. Don't be afraid of no answers: Sometimes, after praying and keeping the commandments and doing all we can, we still don't get an answer. It is not that God is ignoring you or doesn't care, but rather that he may be trusting you enough to make your own decision. After studying it out, make the best decision and go forward with it. If you accidentally head the wrong way, he will catch you before you fall. Otherwise, continue forward. If God is putting his trust in you to make that decision, you should also put your trust in yourself and his judgement!
I once was faced with a decision that God decided to have me make. After praying and fasting, I was getting to answer as to where I should go for Jr. High. I remember asking my dad, "Why am I not getting an answer?" My dad responded, "Well, Julie, maybe he trusts you enough to make your own decision." So I made my own decision to the best of my judgement. However, I did not know that I had made the right decision until nearly a year later, on the last day of 7th grade. How grateful I am that God tested my faith in not only him, but myself! He did not stop me in the process, because he knew I was making the right decision. But he did not reveal that I had made the right choice until after I had kept my decision.
4. Have confidence in your obedience: This is the answer I got after I first started at my new school. The change was hard. It wasn't that that people weren't nice (because they're amazing), the teachers weren't good enough (because they're fabulous!), or the style wasn't for me. It was just that I was adjusting to the homework load. I remember getting so frustrating and feeling so unbalanced. Well, one day, the Holy Ghost spoke 5 words to my soul that will eternally ring true.
Have confidence in your obedience! I don't know everything. But I do know that God led me in that decision. And I should be confident that he would not ask me to do anything that was impossible. Just like Nephi, I knew that God would never give me something that was too difficult. (1 Nephi 3: 7) I remember that every time school gets hard, or life in general gets hard.
I challenge you to make decisions Heavenly Father's way. Have trust in him. Be willing to do his will. And, if he does not respond, have faith in yourself and his judgement.
I challenge you to keep your decisions Heavenly Father's way. Don't doubt your ability. Be confident in your obedience. For he is holding your hand and will not lead you astray.
Handout *Picture by Bradley*
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