May 27, 2012
Why or Why Not on Tattoos
Hi Ladies!
Why does the Church have the view they have on tattoos?
#1. Tattoos can cause medical complications in your future: In the article "More than Skin Deep," it reads:
Tattooing or body piercing also introduces foreign bodies that can cause either infection or allergic reaction. “Sometimes people develop an allergic reaction to metal,” says Dr. Thomas. “They not only have to avoid piercing, but they also cannot wear the same kind of metal on a watchband, a wedding ring, or anything else. It is a sensitivity that is a lifelong plague for them.”...
Other reasons, found in the article "Tattoos and your Mission" are
One big physical risk of getting a tattoo is ink allergies. They can develop right away or in six months to a year after someone is tattooed. Ink allergies make the tattooed part of your body swell up and get red and itchy. If you are allergic and ink gets into your bloodstream, you could become very ill.
Blood-borne illnesses are another risk. If needles and other equipment are not properly sterilized, it is possible to get HIV or other illnesses.
Laser treatments don’t usually cause scarring, but there is a possibility.
Yellow tattoos or tattoos using yellow inks cannot be removed without surgery.
Removal treatments take a long time and are very expensive—much more expensive than getting the tattoo.
#2. Sign of a not-so-sharp mind: “Tattoos connote, in my opinion,” says Dr. Taylor, “a lack of judgment, lack of forethought, lack of being able to see into the future and understand consequences.”
“People taunt others by these outward acts,” he continues. “A pure body, unmarked, is not offensive.”
#3. You can be beautiful in other ways: Tattoos will never give you a true beauty, a beauty that will last forever. They will not make your husband more attracted to you when you get married. They will not increase your chance of getting your star-eyed job. And they will not stay with you. True beauty can not be inked into you, it is truly part of you! It is part of your heart, your soul, your mind, and your actions!
Flame Team

Why does the Church have the view they have on tattoos?
#1. Tattoos can cause medical complications in your future: In the article "More than Skin Deep," it reads:
Tattooing or body piercing also introduces foreign bodies that can cause either infection or allergic reaction. “Sometimes people develop an allergic reaction to metal,” says Dr. Thomas. “They not only have to avoid piercing, but they also cannot wear the same kind of metal on a watchband, a wedding ring, or anything else. It is a sensitivity that is a lifelong plague for them.”...
Other reasons, found in the article "Tattoos and your Mission" are
#2. Sign of a not-so-sharp mind: “Tattoos connote, in my opinion,” says Dr. Taylor, “a lack of judgment, lack of forethought, lack of being able to see into the future and understand consequences.”
“People taunt others by these outward acts,” he continues. “A pure body, unmarked, is not offensive.”
#3. You can be beautiful in other ways: Tattoos will never give you a true beauty, a beauty that will last forever. They will not make your husband more attracted to you when you get married. They will not increase your chance of getting your star-eyed job. And they will not stay with you. True beauty can not be inked into you, it is truly part of you! It is part of your heart, your soul, your mind, and your actions!
Flame Team
May 26, 2012
Ah...Ya Gotta Love Dieter F Uchtdorf
Hi Ladies!
I've gotta say one thing....
Dieter F Uchtdorf, 2nd Counselor in the 1st Presidency of the Church, has a way of speaking! He is so powerful! (And funny!) I absolutley love all his talks, so I thought I'd do some mini-exerts from his talks I found on Google. Click on them to enlarge.
-Flame Team
---PS---- These work super great as screen savers on Ipads!
May 20, 2012
Body Piercing
Hi Girls,
So, I've decided to offer you some support on everyday controversy in this section of "VALUES."
Question: How many times have you heard "but everybody else is doing it" or "it is the latest fashion/trend!"?? Or even "but at least I'm better than so and so..."??
When it comes to gospel standards and your values, there is no trend, there is no excuse that all the world is committing this sin, or that you are better than someone else. How someone else acts or lives does not affect your eternal you do DOES.
Today, I'd like to talk about something I find all too common in our world.
Body Piercing.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has set forth specific standards concerning multiple body piercings. "Latter-day prophets strongly discourage the piercing of the body except for medical purposes. If girls or women desire to have their ears pierced, they are encouraged to wear only one pair of modest earrings."
Why should we keep the standard of "one piercing?"
1. Prophets of God have received revelation for the Church, stating that we should refrain from multiple piercings.
2. A single pair of earrings looks nice. The more you get doesn't mean the better. You don't need to show off your jewelry collection all on one ear cartlidge. And then it turns to gauges, lip rings, nose piercings, and those are just unsanitary! I can promise you that you are more likely to get a good, respectible job if you only have one or even less.
My dad is a CFP. He was once interviewing a young man to be his secretary. Well, this kid had his ear, face, and whole body decked out with piercings. He quickly removed them as my dad walked in. Sure, this kid was a genius, but my dad didn't like the piercings. Getting a life insurance policy from a kid who has the grossest ears ever isn't too bright of an idea.
3. Your body is a temple. “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). That was taught by one of Christ's early apostles, Paul. If you know you are a child of God who has the capability to be an exalted being, a goddess even, and have a beautiful resurrected body, why would the piercings matter?
So, sisters, please don't follow "the trend." One is good. Keep being awesome.
-Flame Team.

So, I've decided to offer you some support on everyday controversy in this section of "VALUES."
Question: How many times have you heard "but everybody else is doing it" or "it is the latest fashion/trend!"?? Or even "but at least I'm better than so and so..."??
When it comes to gospel standards and your values, there is no trend, there is no excuse that all the world is committing this sin, or that you are better than someone else. How someone else acts or lives does not affect your eternal you do DOES.
Today, I'd like to talk about something I find all too common in our world.
Body Piercing.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has set forth specific standards concerning multiple body piercings. "Latter-day prophets strongly discourage the piercing of the body except for medical purposes. If girls or women desire to have their ears pierced, they are encouraged to wear only one pair of modest earrings."
Why should we keep the standard of "one piercing?"
1. Prophets of God have received revelation for the Church, stating that we should refrain from multiple piercings.
2. A single pair of earrings looks nice. The more you get doesn't mean the better. You don't need to show off your jewelry collection all on one ear cartlidge. And then it turns to gauges, lip rings, nose piercings, and those are just unsanitary! I can promise you that you are more likely to get a good, respectible job if you only have one or even less.
My dad is a CFP. He was once interviewing a young man to be his secretary. Well, this kid had his ear, face, and whole body decked out with piercings. He quickly removed them as my dad walked in. Sure, this kid was a genius, but my dad didn't like the piercings. Getting a life insurance policy from a kid who has the grossest ears ever isn't too bright of an idea.
3. Your body is a temple. “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17). That was taught by one of Christ's early apostles, Paul. If you know you are a child of God who has the capability to be an exalted being, a goddess even, and have a beautiful resurrected body, why would the piercings matter?
So, sisters, please don't follow "the trend." One is good. Keep being awesome.
-Flame Team.
May 19, 2012
Savoring Every Moment
Hi Girls!
For the past couple of days, I've been comtemplating many things. May seems to be the busiest month of the year, for some reason. But I've realized one thing:
I can't ask for more days than what I have now, but I can enjoy the days I have left.

Though this past week has been crazy, I know that if I try to enjoy it and face it with optimism and faith, than I won't need to worry or doubt. I've been running a petition; I've discovered that my favorite teacher is leaving the school; and I've discovered the fact that I only have two weeks left with my friends before summer starts and then everybody goes their own ways during ninth grade. But I know that if I try to savor every moment and have faith, I don't need to worry about the future.

There are two options when it comes to time:
A. Worry about how little time you have. Freak out because you want more. Run out of class and cry in the girls' bathroom (done that TWICE this week.) Worry. Freak. Run.
B. Enjoy every moment. Savor the time you have left. Thank God that you have what time you have left. Believe that He knows what is best for you and that He is leading you the way you need to go.

I promise you the second option is much better. I've decided I don't want to worry about if my friends and I will keep tabs over high school. I don't want to worry that I won't have my favorite teacher to discuss my problems, successes, and failures with. I don't want to worry that all I do is in vain. I want to be happy. I want to savor every little moment, every time I get poked, every time my teacher jokes around with me, and every second I have here.
Flame Team.

For the past couple of days, I've been comtemplating many things. May seems to be the busiest month of the year, for some reason. But I've realized one thing:
I can't ask for more days than what I have now, but I can enjoy the days I have left.
Though this past week has been crazy, I know that if I try to enjoy it and face it with optimism and faith, than I won't need to worry or doubt. I've been running a petition; I've discovered that my favorite teacher is leaving the school; and I've discovered the fact that I only have two weeks left with my friends before summer starts and then everybody goes their own ways during ninth grade. But I know that if I try to savor every moment and have faith, I don't need to worry about the future.
There are two options when it comes to time:
A. Worry about how little time you have. Freak out because you want more. Run out of class and cry in the girls' bathroom (done that TWICE this week.) Worry. Freak. Run.
B. Enjoy every moment. Savor the time you have left. Thank God that you have what time you have left. Believe that He knows what is best for you and that He is leading you the way you need to go.
I promise you the second option is much better. I've decided I don't want to worry about if my friends and I will keep tabs over high school. I don't want to worry that I won't have my favorite teacher to discuss my problems, successes, and failures with. I don't want to worry that all I do is in vain. I want to be happy. I want to savor every little moment, every time I get poked, every time my teacher jokes around with me, and every second I have here.
Flame Team.
May 14, 2012
Jump In!
Click on the picture to make it bigger!
May 13, 2012
Bright Idea - Attitude
Hi Girls!
The Bright Idea today is having a good attitude.
Why is our attitude so important and why should we consider it "one of our values?"
President Monson said:
"A in my ABCs refers to attitude. William James, a pioneering American psychologist and philosopher, wrote, “The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.”1
So much in life depends on our attitude. The way we choose to see things and respond to others makes all the difference. To do the best we can and then to choose to be happy about our circumstances, whatever they may be, can bring peace and contentment.
Charles Swindoll—author, educator, and Christian pastor—said: “Attitude, to me, is more important than … the past, … than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day."
I love the quote he mentioned at the end..."we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day."
Your attitude has an effect on how you see the world, yourself, and others. It affects what others see of you and how they interact with you.
When my cousin, Kassi, was fifteen years old, she was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Many people, when faced with the posing trial and thought of upcoming difficulty will give up. But Kassi made a decision to have a good attitude. She wasn't going to pitty herself. In fact, while at St. Jude's Hospital receiving kimotherapy treatments, she put others in front of her. She had a good friend in the Hospital who was also going through health difficulties. Kassi helped her friend into the car, around the hospital, and had a good influence and attitude even when she, herself, was feeling the effects of her treatments. While she was undergoing all this pain, she kept her chin up, served others, and maintained a positive attitude.
Do you have a story of how you had a good attitude? Comment!
*Side Note: Kassi has now been cancer free for roughly 2 years.
Bright Idea! - Books
Hi Girls!
Have you ever noticed how hard it is to find GOOD books with a great storyline, fantastic characters, AND good langauge? I have.
I've decided to formulate a list of some good books to read. PLEASE COMMENT if you have any ideas as well. Thanks.
-Flame Team.
Good Books
-Fablehaven Series by Mull
-Michael Vey Series by Evans
-Dickens Inn Books by Stansfield
-A Face in the Shadows by McCloud (I've read this one twice and I LOVE IT!)
-Love Beyond Time by Allen (great book! Historic Fiction/Romance Awesome!)
-Passage to Zarahemla by Heimerdinger
-Unlikely Heroes by Carter
-Work and the Glory by Lund (warning: does have a few swear words in one of the books, to go with the context and time period)
Have you ever noticed how hard it is to find GOOD books with a great storyline, fantastic characters, AND good langauge? I have.
I've decided to formulate a list of some good books to read. PLEASE COMMENT if you have any ideas as well. Thanks.
-Flame Team.
Good Books
-Fablehaven Series by Mull
-Michael Vey Series by Evans
-Dickens Inn Books by Stansfield
-A Face in the Shadows by McCloud (I've read this one twice and I LOVE IT!)
-Love Beyond Time by Allen (great book! Historic Fiction/Romance Awesome!)
-Passage to Zarahemla by Heimerdinger
-Unlikely Heroes by Carter
-Work and the Glory by Lund (warning: does have a few swear words in one of the books, to go with the context and time period)
Hey Girls!
I hope all of you are getting signed up for EFY!
This year will be my first year and I am so excited. Those who have gone before me tell me it is fantastic!
Haven't signed up? Click here to see the EFY session list.
Also, click here to watch an amazing EFY video called "EFY Girls." Two guys wrote this parody to California Girls and made it about EFY Girls. I nearly died after watching it! It's so great!
Flame Team
Do you have any special EFY memories? Tell us!
I hope all of you are getting signed up for EFY!
This year will be my first year and I am so excited. Those who have gone before me tell me it is fantastic!
Haven't signed up? Click here to see the EFY session list.
Also, click here to watch an amazing EFY video called "EFY Girls." Two guys wrote this parody to California Girls and made it about EFY Girls. I nearly died after watching it! It's so great!
Flame Team
Do you have any special EFY memories? Tell us!
Girls' Camp is Coming...are you ready?
Hi Sisters!
I hope all of you are excited for one of the summer's BIGGEST events this year...the 100th Year Anniversary GIRLS' CAMP! I am so excited!
As you may have noticed, we do have a poll on the side asking which activity is your favorite. Do you have another tradition at camp you'd like to share?
One of my favorite traditions in my ward is "Warm and Fuzzies." Warm and Fuzzies are notes written by young women for other campers telling them why they enjoy being at camp with them or giving them compliments. They are then stuck in our beautiful, hand-made Warm and Fuzzy Mail-Box. They are so wonderful...I love reading mine from years past!
LDS.ORG has some great things posted on the 100th Anniversary of Girls' Camp. I have read some of them and I think it is SO cool how girls' camp started. One article they have is about "Celebrating by Cooking." For me, I absolutely love girls' camp meals. One of our traditions is making our own Cafe Rio salads. They are to die for! Here's a recipe off of the website above that was made traditionally in girls' camp!:
Do you have any cool activities or meals that are traditional at your girls' camp? Tell us! Make a comment or email us:
I hope all of you are excited for one of the summer's BIGGEST events this year...the 100th Year Anniversary GIRLS' CAMP! I am so excited!
As you may have noticed, we do have a poll on the side asking which activity is your favorite. Do you have another tradition at camp you'd like to share?
One of my favorite traditions in my ward is "Warm and Fuzzies." Warm and Fuzzies are notes written by young women for other campers telling them why they enjoy being at camp with them or giving them compliments. They are then stuck in our beautiful, hand-made Warm and Fuzzy Mail-Box. They are so wonderful...I love reading mine from years past!
LDS.ORG has some great things posted on the 100th Anniversary of Girls' Camp. I have read some of them and I think it is SO cool how girls' camp started. One article they have is about "Celebrating by Cooking." For me, I absolutely love girls' camp meals. One of our traditions is making our own Cafe Rio salads. They are to die for! Here's a recipe off of the website above that was made traditionally in girls' camp!:
Ring Tum Diddy (a one-pot dish)
You will need:- A frying pan, a spoon, a knife, and a board
- 1 can corn
- 3 onions
- 1 large green pepper
- 8 slices toast or crackers
- 3 small tomatoes
- 1/4 lb. bacon
- 1/4 lb. American cheese
- salt and pepper
- 1 can tomatoes
Do you have any cool activities or meals that are traditional at your girls' camp? Tell us! Make a comment or email us:
May 12, 2012
Modesty Update 6
They have some pretty cute, vintage stuff! Check it out!

That dress can make any menial task look fun!
I love the scarf! And the dress is darling!

They have some pretty cute, vintage stuff! Check it out!
Modesty Update 5
This shop is great...they sell DivinitaSole swimsuits, Diviine Modesty, and other really cute brands!
I love the top! It is so cute and firly, yet modest and practical!
Yellow...So pretty!

Do you know of a good place to shop modest? Comment and let us know!
This shop is great...they sell DivinitaSole swimsuits, Diviine Modesty, and other really cute brands!
Do you know of a good place to shop modest? Comment and let us know!
Modesty Fashion Update
Some of you guys have probably heard of this company, Down East. It is BIG in my area...and there is no doubt why. Their layering tees and camis fit GREAT and they've got some great deals going on at different times of the year!

I love their jeans! They are so snazzy and cute!

So cute! My friends and I have rose earrings similar to these and we love them!

I have this sweater and I love it. The only problem is if you want the little flowers to lay flat after home washing it, you have to iron it. But I love it anyway!
Some of you guys have probably heard of this company, Down East. It is BIG in my area...and there is no doubt why. Their layering tees and camis fit GREAT and they've got some great deals going on at different times of the year!
Fashion Update 3
I love Diviine Modesty...they sell dresses, tops, and swimsuits! They've got some great stuff!
The length is wonderful! I love the sash!
You can't go wrong with pink polka-dots and a sash!
If I could climb red rocks in high heels like her, I'd be a superwoman.
I love the little ruffle-things on the top!
I love Diviine Modesty...they sell dresses, tops, and swimsuits! They've got some great stuff!
Fashion Update 2
I had never heard of this company before...but I just saw their stuff and had to post.
I love this button down, formal look. They go great with skirts, pants,...just about anything but swimsuit bottoms!
I'm afraid I'd be tempted to play with the ruffles during church...but this is way cute, nonetheless. I love the pink, the length, and the litttle twirls! Totally girly.
Black skirt...goes with everything. The length is fabulous!
I love the buttons on this dress! It is so cute. And the color is PERFECT for summer...and spring and fall!
Big belts seem to be to be a big thing now-a-days. It's vintage, but totally cute and modest!
I'm sorry, I just love this flower!
I had never heard of this company before...but I just saw their stuff and had to post.
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