For the past couple of days, I've been comtemplating many things. May seems to be the busiest month of the year, for some reason. But I've realized one thing:
I can't ask for more days than what I have now, but I can enjoy the days I have left.
Though this past week has been crazy, I know that if I try to enjoy it and face it with optimism and faith, than I won't need to worry or doubt. I've been running a petition; I've discovered that my favorite teacher is leaving the school; and I've discovered the fact that I only have two weeks left with my friends before summer starts and then everybody goes their own ways during ninth grade. But I know that if I try to savor every moment and have faith, I don't need to worry about the future.
There are two options when it comes to time:
A. Worry about how little time you have. Freak out because you want more. Run out of class and cry in the girls' bathroom (done that TWICE this week.) Worry. Freak. Run.
B. Enjoy every moment. Savor the time you have left. Thank God that you have what time you have left. Believe that He knows what is best for you and that He is leading you the way you need to go.
I promise you the second option is much better. I've decided I don't want to worry about if my friends and I will keep tabs over high school. I don't want to worry that I won't have my favorite teacher to discuss my problems, successes, and failures with. I don't want to worry that all I do is in vain. I want to be happy. I want to savor every little moment, every time I get poked, every time my teacher jokes around with me, and every second I have here.
Flame Team.
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