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May 27, 2012

Why or Why Not on Tattoos

Hi Ladies!

Why does the Church have the view they have on tattoos? 

#1. Tattoos can cause medical complications in your future:   In the article "More than Skin Deep," it reads:
Tattooing or body piercing also introduces foreign bodies that can cause either infection or allergic reaction. “Sometimes people develop an allergic reaction to metal,” says Dr. Thomas. “They not only have to avoid piercing, but they also cannot wear the same kind of metal on a watchband, a wedding ring, or anything else. It is a sensitivity that is a lifelong plague for them.”...
     Other reasons, found in the article "Tattoos and your Mission" are

  • One big physical risk of getting a tattoo is ink allergies. They can develop right away or in six months to a year after someone is tattooed. Ink allergies make the tattooed part of your body swell up and get red and itchy. If you are allergic and ink gets into your bloodstream, you could become very ill.
  • Blood-borne illnesses are another risk. If needles and other equipment are not properly sterilized, it is possible to get HIV or other illnesses.
  • Laser treatments don’t usually cause scarring, but there is a possibility.
  • Yellow tattoos or tattoos using yellow inks cannot be removed without surgery.
  • Removal treatments take a long time and are very expensive—much more expensive than getting the tattoo.

  • #2.  Sign of a not-so-sharp mind:  “Tattoos connote, in my opinion,” says Dr. Taylor, “a lack of judgment, lack of forethought, lack of being able to see into the future and understand consequences.”
     “People taunt others by these outward acts,” he continues.  “A pure body, unmarked, is not offensive.”

    #3.  You can be beautiful in other ways:  Tattoos will never give you a true beauty, a beauty that will last forever.  They will not make your husband more attracted to you when you get married.  They will not increase your chance of getting your star-eyed job.  And they will not stay with you.  True beauty can not be inked into you, it is truly part of you!  It is part of your heart, your soul, your mind, and your actions!
    Flame Team

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