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May 13, 2012

Girls' Camp is Coming...are you ready?

Hi Sisters!
  I hope all of you are excited for one of the summer's BIGGEST events this year...the 100th Year Anniversary GIRLS' CAMP!  I am so excited!
  As you may have noticed, we do have a poll on the side asking which activity is your favorite.  Do you have another tradition at camp you'd like to share?
  One of my favorite traditions in my ward is "Warm and Fuzzies."  Warm and Fuzzies are notes written by young women for other campers telling them why they enjoy being at camp with them or giving them compliments.  They are then stuck in our beautiful, hand-made Warm and Fuzzy Mail-Box.  They are so wonderful...I love reading mine from years past! 
  LDS.ORG has some great things posted on the 100th Anniversary of Girls' Camp.  I have read some of them and I think it is SO cool how girls' camp started.  One article they have is about "Celebrating by Cooking."  For me, I absolutely love girls' camp meals.  One of our traditions is making our own Cafe Rio salads.  They are to die for!  Here's a recipe off of the website above that was made traditionally in girls' camp!:

Ring Tum Diddy (a one-pot dish)

You will need:
  • A frying pan, a spoon, a knife, and a board
  • 1 can corn
  • 3 onions
  • 1 large green pepper
  • 8 slices toast or crackers
  • 3 small tomatoes
  • 1/4 lb. bacon
  • 1/4 lb. American cheese
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 can tomatoes
Dice and fry out the bacon; wash, seed, and cut up the pepper; peel and slice the onions thin and add to the bacon. Then add the tomatoes and corn. Season the toast. Just before serving, add the cheese. Serve hot on toast or crackers.

Do you have any cool activities or meals that are traditional at your girls' camp?  Tell us!  Make a comment or email us:

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