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July 7, 2012

Summer Fingernails Ideas!

Hey girlies!

I was doing my nails last night, and I thought "Wow", this would look great on my blog!
So, here are some pics, I'll give a tutorial as we run through.

So these are the nailpolish colors that I used:
The Green Nail Polish Brand is PURE ICE. I love this brand, it's good quality, and it applies smooth.
COST-CHEAP!-$1.97 @ Walmart

The neon pink Nail Polish Brand is-HEAVEN and it is also a good brand, but I like PURE ICE better. The neon pink goes on smooth, but does not stay on as long--apply a few coats!
COST-NOT sooo CHEAP, but okay-$2.87 @ Harmons

This is how one nail turned out, I dild an alternating pattern.

One nail lime green, next nail neon pink, lime green, neon pink, limegreen, etc.
On the Green nails, I did NEON PINK polka dots.
On the Neon Pink nails, I did LIME GREEN polka dots.

It turned out sooo cute, I think!  This is an example of a green nail!


Step one: Pick out two nail polish colors! *I personally like bright, summery ones.
Step two: apply the base colors in an alternating pattern (like if you did yellow and blue it would go: yellow, blue, yellow, blue, yellow, etc.) If you have trouble doing your "badhand" then have a friend or family member help you out!
Step three: APPLY THE POLKA DOTS! Now, this is a TON easier if you just buy a NailArt pen, which you can get @ $7.00 @ WalMart. I didn't have one--so I used--you'll never believe it. A PICK. LIKE YOU RUN THROUGH YOUR HAIR. I just dipped a bristle of it into the nailpolish, and did the dots. Presto!
You can use toothpicks, they work pretty well too!

Hope you guys loved this post! More coming soon from me, this is only my 2nd post on the blog!


July 5, 2012

My Glass...Learning to accept who you are and how you look

Hi Girls!
   So, as I was thinking of things I could say on a post today, a few conversations I've had with close friends of mine have came to mind.  As I dissected those conversations mentally, I decided that their material would be ideal for a posting.  So here I go.

   I have a few questions for each of you to answer not only mentally, but deep down in your heart.  Do I realize what I have inside of me?  Do I look past my figure and shape?  Do I love who I am and what I can be filled with, or am I too distracted by trying to bend myself?

  The first two questions are rather simple in meaning.  Do you love what you have on the inside?  In life, it is not about obtaining the perfect shape of body.  It doesn't matter if you are apple, pear, or any other type of fruit.  It doesn't make a dent if you have an hourglass figure or not!  One thing I love to remember is this:

  I was sculpted by the hand of the greatest being, my Heavenly Father.  I am the glasswork of his hands, beautifully unique.  But even more important than the housing He gave me for my spirit, is what I fill my glass with.

  At one point in my day, I was asking myself what body shape I had.   Personally, I'm a pear and an hourglass.  But one thing I realized is it doesn't matter what shape my body is. It doesn't matter how many zits I have on my arms or how many freckles dot my nose.  It doesn't matter how many dates I get, how many emails Mr. Perfect sends me, or how many things that I own.  I still have so much!  I have so many qualities and attributes, talents, and gifts to fill my glass with!  I shouldn't be trying to remold my glasswork, for otherwise I loose the time I could spend filling my glass with!

    I could spend hours in front of the mirror analyzing ways to make me be beautiful to the world.  But one thing I've learned is that God doesn't care what fruit your body resembles!  He cares that you are filling your glass -the potential, the body, and the spirit He's given you - with beautiful things.  You could fill your glass with dirt, just because you don't like the way the glass you were given was created.  Or you could fill it with rubies and gold, even if you don't have the most beautiful glasswork to put it in.

   We must keep our glass clean as well, "unspotted from the world." We can't neglect ourselves or look down upon ourselves just because we aren't shaped "the right way."  Still, we can present ourselves as daughters of God and as beautiful young women!
   I hope you remember the post I made called "Packages."  In it, I included a Scripture Mastery that talked about that God looketh on the inside. 

   I may be shaped like a fruit.  I may be shaped like a glass object you use to track time.  But it doesn't matter. God gave me this body and designed it beautifully.  But more importantly, He made it with the idea in mind that my glass is big enough to hold beautiful things!


June 30, 2012

You Are Not Alone: The Atonement

   Today, I'd like to talk about a topic that is very close to my heart.
    The power and infinincy of the Atonement.
     Please stop for just a moment and ponder what the Atonement means to you.  Why is it important?  Why did it have to happen?  How does it apply to you?
     Besides the amazing forgiveness and healing all of us can find in the Atonement and through Christ, there is one other thing that always sticks out to me.
     Christ has suffered every pain, every affliction, and every heartache I've ever had and will continue to have.  Thereby, I am never alone in my pain. Though it may feel like we are the only ones who understand the pain of whatever we are facing, I promise you - You Are Not Alone. 
     I love the words of the song "Where Can I Turn For Peace."
     He answers privately.  Reaches my reaching.  In my Gesthemene, Savior & Friend.
    I sang that song in Sacrament a few weeks ago and starting choking up at that part.  How amazing it is to think that He has been beside you and has felt exactly what you have felt all the way down the road!  In your trials, tribulations, pains, and even in your Gesthemene, He is your everlasting Friend, your loving older brother, your understanding redeemer, and your never ending Savior.
    I promise you, there is no place you can go where His arms cannot reach.  He is there, He loves you, and He knows what you are going through.
He lives to comfort me when faint;
He lives to hear my soul’s complaint.

He lives to silence all my fears;
He lives to wipe away my tears;
He lives to calm my troubled heart;
He lives all blessings to impart.

He lives to bless me with his love;
He lives to plead for me above;
He lives my hungry soul to feed;
He lives to help in time of need.

-I Know That My Redeemer Lives

"The Master's Touch" by Greg Olsen

June 28, 2012

Handouts 5

Made with Creative Memories.  Feel free to print, look at, or whatever.  :)
Thomas S Monson; Should there be changes...handout 2012

-Thank You; Thomas S Monson Handout 2012

-Indeed be pioneers; Thomas S Monson Handout 2012
-A measure of our love for Him; Russell M Nelson 2012 (sorry about the typo. :P)

Secret Sister...Galore Plus More

:) I love Secret Sister.  I just got my secret sister assignment and I am so super psyched! Super excited!  So, here are some more ideas for that special secret sister at Girls' Camp!
-Much Love: Flame

1  Bath and Body Works has some awesome $2 travel sized lotions, body washes, etc.  And you can maybe even find it in your Secret Sister's favorite.  Super affordable and fabulous!  You could relate it to how we are all rough and calloused, but through Christ our rough edges can be smoothed.
Warm Vanilla Sugar® Mini Body Cream - Signature Collection - Bath & Body Works

2. Another awesome Bath and Body Works: LipLicious is a lip gloss and comes in multiple smells/flavors!  I think they are awesome and would be fantastic for any gift.  Depending on the flavor, they can start off at $3.00.  You could apply it to how our "lips" must only utter good things.
Blackberry Taffy Lip Gloss - LipLicious - Bath & Body Works

3. They also offer cute little candles that start at $2.00.  You could apply it to the "Flame" or to the Light of Christ.
Market Peach 1.3 oz. Mini Candle - Slatkin & Co. - Bath & Body Works

4. Hairbows.  They can come pretty cheap and you can find them at any superstore like Target (as shown below).  If it flower-shaped, you could apply it to faith and how it blossoms.

Gimme Couture Hair Clip- Dazzling Dahlia

5.  EOS Lipbalm Spheres are pretty awesome.  I've seen them all over and you can also find them at Target.  They are also like $3.00
EOS Organic Lip Balm Sphere - Strawberry Sorbet

6. Any cute toe supplies:

COS BAR at Target® Toesies - Set of 3Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure - Kook-A-Mango

Personal Progress!

  I'm (finally) getting more Personal Progress Ideas on here.  Most of these can work for multiple values.  Enjoy!

-Mentor another girl.  If you know how to sew, cook, crochet, scrapbook - just about anything - you can mentor another girl.  Spend at least ten hours preparing lessons, actually teaching, and supervising her in her efforts to learn.

-Learn a special skill yourself. Tie-dying, sewing, quilting, scrapbooking, etc.  And then you can even use it to serve somebody else.  Let's say you learn how to tie-dye: You can then tie-dye blankets, shirts, and other objects for kids in the hospital.  They can always use more color and love!

-Use your already developed skills to serve others.  If you know how to quilt, you can make quilts for the hospital.  If you are a poet, you can make a jumbo-font-sized book of original poetry for the old folks' home.  Use your talents to make others feel good!

-There's also a Good Works value experience that has you serve for 3 or so hours.  (It's number six.)  One good way to accomplish that experience is to volunteer to work at a wedding.  This is HUGE in my area.  Let's say Sister Cook's daughter Jenny is getting married. You can volunteer to greet guests, take gifts, and serve food.  It's way fun and a super easy way to get those hours in.

-Volunteer locally.  I know some hospitals take volunteers, along with old folks' homes, elementaries, and museums.  I volunteer at the Tree House Museum in Ogden, Utah and have been using my hours to get my Good Works' Project.

Let us know if you like this type of post!  Please comment to share your ideas!

June 27, 2012

Handouts 4

Here are some more Creative Memories Handouts.  Most of these are Thomas S Monson.  I noticed somebody was looking for some D&C 84:88 ones as well, so I created one of those.  Let me kow if you have any handout ideas.
:) Flame
-Doctrine and Covenants 84: 88

-Believe in the Words You Say 2012

-Diverstiy 2012

-We Live in Troubled Times 2012