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July 9, 2012

You Will Be Carried

Hi Ladies!

   I love my camp leaders this year!  They make me so excited to participate in girls' camp again this year (which is in...well, TOMORROW!)  I am stinkin' excited!
   In Young Womens yesterday, they gave a few announcements.  And for some reason, they really strike me as gospel analogies. 
  One thing they said was about the 2nd day hike.  Sister Bold and Sister Wolf (changed their names) told us about how they are both outdoorsy-type ladies.  They both love nature, running, and so forth.  Sister Bold told us that we had no chance of skipping out on this hike.  And then Sister Wolf added that she would carry us up the mountain if we felt weak.  Nobody was going to stay behind....and they meant it!
  How does my leaders threatening us with a five mile hike apply to the gospel?  Well...
  First of all, how many times are we put in situations where we really don't want to be?  We are tired, we really don't like the outdoors, you think the streams are gross and polluted, the pathways are sure to be swarmed with mosquitos, and you REALLY don't like wearing hiking shoes.  It is hard!  But how would it feel to know that you have a rally of supporters?  They want you on this hike and they need you on this hike.  And this hike will help you become stronger.  And what about when you wear out?  Then you will be carried.  Christ promised that He will walk by you through this hike, AND will even carry you up the mountain, just like Sister Wolf. 
    That's the great thing about the gospel and about our Savior.  We have a rally of supporters to comfort us, cheer us on, and even PUSH us up that mountain - both those in the flesh, and those in the spirit.  No matter how scared you are, no matter how weak you feel, no matter how much you despise sunshine - YOU need this trial. YOU need to walk up this.  Christ did not need to suffer.  He was perfect.  But He chose to...because He knew you would need help up that mountain.  And no matter how hard it feels, YOU can make it and the journey will be fun and worth it!
   Secondly, they told us to pack light.  Sister Wolf said, "One bag.  No suitcases.  And for your backpack...just bring a little Nike one type of thing."
    Now, I know for some people packing light is hard.  I even had to replace my old hunky backpack for a little, lighter bag, and strap some things onto my duffle. 
   How often do we carry along things we don't need?  We carry around a load of sin.  We carry around bad habits and activities.  We carry grudges, pain, anguish, and even hate.  We hold onto the carnal, material items of this world.  So heavy.
   Christ Himself said that "28 aCome unto me, all ye that blabour and are heavy laden, and I will give you crest.
29 Take my ayoke upon you, and blearn of me; for I am cmeek and dlowly in eheart: and ye shall find frest unto your souls." -Matthew 11: 28-29
    What are you personally carrying around on your back?  The sins of yesterday, the worries of tomorrow, the loss of time, the grudge against a fellow brother, the hate of what is going on.  The firly little dresses that (sorry to break it) will not be translated into heaven in the twinkling on an eye.  We must learn to let go of what we don't need, but keep hold of those things that are holy.
   Even the burdens we are called to bear, the callings we hold, the tasks we have been asked to fulfill will become light.  They are for our good to make us stronger and He wouldn't give us more than we can handle.  On the other hand - carrying around a grudge or a two ton bag of clothing isn't for your good.  It won't make you stronger, it will slow you down.  But you will be given the wings of angels, the strength of a thousand men, and the support of your friends, family, and Heavenly Father when you carry those things that are important and that are "for your good."  Like the above scripture, they will "be made light" and you will find rest.
   Some things are hard to let go.  The Anti-Nephi-Lehis were a people of fighting, evil doings, and bad habits before they turned to Christ.  But yet, despite the difficulty of letting go of the tradition of warfare, they buried their swords.  And they buried them deep.
    You cannot bury your sins, lustful wants, or bad habits just two inches beneath the soil.  No, you must love yourself enough to bury them deep in the ground...deep enough that you cannot easily access it.  Carrying a sword around to girls' camp is going to be hard.  And it will only get heavier and heavier.  But, you can let it go. You can bury it and "sin no more."


July 8, 2012

Handouts 6

Some more handouts made with Creative Memories.  :)

-May You Believe, Thomas S Monson Handout 2012
-Launch yourself on every wave; Henry D. Thoreau Handout 2012

-Embrace the joy; Michelle D Rosado Handout2012

July 7, 2012

Modesty requested

You requested Modesty here we go!

From DownEast Basics (this is their new stuff).  Layer them with demis, tees, etc.
  Layer it.  Love it!  (I recommend a demi-tee for underneath.)
  Put a tee underneath and SHAZAM!  You've got some flame-filled fashion there!
 Feminine and modest with a little bit of layering!  :)
 Hot date, temple, church - anything! - HERE I COME!  *except the hot date will have to wait a year!*

 Classic tee or wonder tee: LIFE SAVER
Awesome coverup!

Now some Shabby Apple....
Dorm Room Blouse

Perfect for a garden party or a tumble down the rabbit's hole, the White Queen top is resplendent in organza lace with cotton embroidery, lined with cotton lawn, and trimmed with grosgrain.  A prim square collar is softened by easy, fluttery cap sleeves, and the versatile trapeze shape can top your favorite pair of trousers or tuck into a high waisted skirt.

Crisp white cotton blossoms atop a bountiful, knee-length navy skirt in this vintage inspired frock.  The classic styling of the Ming is finished with flirty puff sleeves, hidden pockets, a black lace lining and black grosgrain waistband for added style and flair.

Black Dress.

How about some normal department stores?

Like Kohls....

Speechless Long Halter DressWith Maxi's like this....layer with a tee or demi.  :)
Wrapper Floral Hi-Low Top

Golden Goals

Hi Girls,

  So, I started this strange goal thing last night at like...I don't know....10:00.  It was way grand!

  1. Choose something that you want, that you can get for yourself.  A new laptop, a new dress, whatever!  So, for example, I could choose this:
    So, basically, it has to be something you want to work for and will work for.

    So, first you make a little paper - doesn't have to be a poster board or anything - with five things on it:
-A picture of the object (or just what it is)
-The price (if it has one)
-Golden Coin Value (I'll explain in a second).  You'll want to make it a fairly big number, but reasonable.
-The goal ending date
-Why you want it

2. Make Golden Coin "Mini-Goals".  These are little everyday things you can do to make "Golden Coins."  You divide them up into categories, and can have just a few or TONS!  For example:
    Personal Progress Coins
     -Finish Faith Project - 5 Golden Coins
     -Do Good Works Experience #3 - 1 Golden Coin

    Health Coins
      -Exercise for 30 Minutes - 2 Golden Coins
      -Eat no sugar for a week - 4 Golden Coins

    Church Coins
      -Go to Mutual - 1 Golden Coin
      -Missionary Moment - 3 Golden Coins

    Just small everyday things.  It could apply to school, work, whatever.

3.  Make a Coin Log.  You need to keep track of how many coins you earn daily.  This should be a fun competitive thing.  You want to make sure your coins are worth something, but that you won't be able to gain enough coins for your goal in one day.  So, make it like 300 golden coins' worth!

This is way fun.  I am super excited to get mine started and accomplish my goals!


Bright summer colors--modesty!

Hey girlies!

Summer is all about bright, amazing colors! You can still have tons of fun in the sun-modestly! :)

Here are a few ideas!
This is cute, modest, and summery! Here's an idea-wear colored jean shorts-they'll spurce up anything!

This is cute and fun! For church, or for a sunny June day!

Sort of a vintage style dress, very cute and summery! Great option for church or a date.

Here are some options for church!

Cute, more of an everyday thing, but a little on the dressy side. Here's a tip--wearing heels makes you appear leaner, as well as taller! They're a great balance to outfits, they pull everything together!

These are both amazingly cute and modest outfits.
White skirts rock for summer!

It's always been said--NEVER tuck your shirt in AND wear a belt--it's TACKY.
I DON'T THINK THAT'S TRUE! Look how cute this girl is! A fun summer hat keeps the sun off you, and ties some outfits together, like this one! :)
JEAN JACKETS RULE! They have a summery look, and can help with strapped dresses! Throw on some colorful flats, and WA-LA! Perfecto!

This blue dress is SOO cute and summery! But, I think it would look better with red shoes? Who agrees?
Well, this is my 3rd post on this blog, and I have to say, posting on it is a ton of fun!

Make sure to check out all areas of this blog!

Summer Fingernails Ideas!

Hey girlies!

I was doing my nails last night, and I thought "Wow", this would look great on my blog!
So, here are some pics, I'll give a tutorial as we run through.

So these are the nailpolish colors that I used:
The Green Nail Polish Brand is PURE ICE. I love this brand, it's good quality, and it applies smooth.
COST-CHEAP!-$1.97 @ Walmart

The neon pink Nail Polish Brand is-HEAVEN and it is also a good brand, but I like PURE ICE better. The neon pink goes on smooth, but does not stay on as long--apply a few coats!
COST-NOT sooo CHEAP, but okay-$2.87 @ Harmons

This is how one nail turned out, I dild an alternating pattern.

One nail lime green, next nail neon pink, lime green, neon pink, limegreen, etc.
On the Green nails, I did NEON PINK polka dots.
On the Neon Pink nails, I did LIME GREEN polka dots.

It turned out sooo cute, I think!  This is an example of a green nail!


Step one: Pick out two nail polish colors! *I personally like bright, summery ones.
Step two: apply the base colors in an alternating pattern (like if you did yellow and blue it would go: yellow, blue, yellow, blue, yellow, etc.) If you have trouble doing your "badhand" then have a friend or family member help you out!
Step three: APPLY THE POLKA DOTS! Now, this is a TON easier if you just buy a NailArt pen, which you can get @ $7.00 @ WalMart. I didn't have one--so I used--you'll never believe it. A PICK. LIKE YOU RUN THROUGH YOUR HAIR. I just dipped a bristle of it into the nailpolish, and did the dots. Presto!
You can use toothpicks, they work pretty well too!

Hope you guys loved this post! More coming soon from me, this is only my 2nd post on the blog!


July 5, 2012

My Glass...Learning to accept who you are and how you look

Hi Girls!
   So, as I was thinking of things I could say on a post today, a few conversations I've had with close friends of mine have came to mind.  As I dissected those conversations mentally, I decided that their material would be ideal for a posting.  So here I go.

   I have a few questions for each of you to answer not only mentally, but deep down in your heart.  Do I realize what I have inside of me?  Do I look past my figure and shape?  Do I love who I am and what I can be filled with, or am I too distracted by trying to bend myself?

  The first two questions are rather simple in meaning.  Do you love what you have on the inside?  In life, it is not about obtaining the perfect shape of body.  It doesn't matter if you are apple, pear, or any other type of fruit.  It doesn't make a dent if you have an hourglass figure or not!  One thing I love to remember is this:

  I was sculpted by the hand of the greatest being, my Heavenly Father.  I am the glasswork of his hands, beautifully unique.  But even more important than the housing He gave me for my spirit, is what I fill my glass with.

  At one point in my day, I was asking myself what body shape I had.   Personally, I'm a pear and an hourglass.  But one thing I realized is it doesn't matter what shape my body is. It doesn't matter how many zits I have on my arms or how many freckles dot my nose.  It doesn't matter how many dates I get, how many emails Mr. Perfect sends me, or how many things that I own.  I still have so much!  I have so many qualities and attributes, talents, and gifts to fill my glass with!  I shouldn't be trying to remold my glasswork, for otherwise I loose the time I could spend filling my glass with!

    I could spend hours in front of the mirror analyzing ways to make me be beautiful to the world.  But one thing I've learned is that God doesn't care what fruit your body resembles!  He cares that you are filling your glass -the potential, the body, and the spirit He's given you - with beautiful things.  You could fill your glass with dirt, just because you don't like the way the glass you were given was created.  Or you could fill it with rubies and gold, even if you don't have the most beautiful glasswork to put it in.

   We must keep our glass clean as well, "unspotted from the world." We can't neglect ourselves or look down upon ourselves just because we aren't shaped "the right way."  Still, we can present ourselves as daughters of God and as beautiful young women!
   I hope you remember the post I made called "Packages."  In it, I included a Scripture Mastery that talked about that God looketh on the inside. 

   I may be shaped like a fruit.  I may be shaped like a glass object you use to track time.  But it doesn't matter. God gave me this body and designed it beautifully.  But more importantly, He made it with the idea in mind that my glass is big enough to hold beautiful things!
