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October 10, 2013

Dance Parallels: "Peace, be still"

Our first dance parallel is "Peace, be still".

To start off, I'd like to tell you a little story.
My main dance partner is 6'3". Not bad, right, until you know that I - little tiny me - am only 5'0"...and 1/2 an inch.
We were doing a lift which involved me laying straight across both of his shoulders (up six or so feet in the air). It was our first time and so we were still learning. But something went wrong, he bent his head down, and while I was trying to switch positions for the next part of the lift, I ended up falling. I slid right off his shoulders, over his head, and down towards the floor.
Now, when you fall, it is only a split second. But yet, even though you can't imagine thinking of much during that split second, your subconscious is working like crazy. And you have two options - you can struggle or you can go stiff.
As you can imagine, it can be scary falling and our natural impulse is to struggle. We, as humans, thrash out. But that is the worst thing you can do in such an instance. Instead, you must be as stiff as you can.
I went stiff. I didn't even think about it. I just went stiff. And good thing I did.
Luckily, there were two super amazing guys there "spotting" me - making sure I did the lift alright. And I was saved.
Now, what is the point of me telling you this?
My dear friends, life is like a lift. You may be chilling in the high life, living on the "shoulder" of prosperity and happiness, when things go wrong. Life will drop its head and you will likely fall. But what YOU do as you react is even more important than what LIFE may do.

Christ and your Heavenly Father are like your spotters. They are there to catch you. They WANT to catch you. But they can only do so if you are still.

They cannot catch someone who is thrashing. They will get hit in the face. They will not be able to get their arms under you. But if you are still, they will be able to catch you.

Develop that natural instinct to be still and "know that (He) is God." He, who knows when a sparrow drops, surely knows when His child falls. And they will be there, I promise you. But you must do your part.

So be still. Listen. Feel Them. Develop a relationship of peace, understanding, and faith between you three so  that when life tilts, They can catch you. Because no one can catch themselves. You will get hurt.

If you do not feel like you can have peace in your life or that you cannot know Him, I promise you that YOU CAN. Get on your knees. Ask for His peace to fill your soul. It may not come the first time, or maybe not even the second or third. But peace will come as you wholeheartedly seek for it.
So trust Him and "peace, peace, be still".

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