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September 21, 2013

Part One Julie's Story: Behind the Scenes

I have decided to write a bit of my story each day, in hopes that it will touch someone out there whose story is taking a twist like mine.

Although we all have different stories and settings and battles, there are a few key characters that are the same in every story. The first is God. He is like the king of every good fairytale. To me He is incredibly essential, because without the King and His guidance and trust, we’d have no story. The second is Jesus Christ, the amazing older brother, knight in shining armor, and best friend all rolled into one. Without Him, our story would have no hope or happy endings. And then there is the enemy, the wicked wizard, the dark force of every story – Satan. Without him, we’d have no opposition.

                My story is not incredibly magnificent. I have never battled cancer. I have never been orphaned, abused, or hurt significantly. But yet my story is magnificent because it is mine, and God and I sat down and wrote it long ago. I don’t think we can necessarily compare one fairy tale – one life – to another without taking for granted our own. We should not desire after one’s easier, more heroic, or flashier tale in place of our own.

                I like to imagine that a long time ago God sat me down on His knee. In fact, He probably did so multiple times. I’ve heard that the reason why God knows us so well is because He spent so much time with us in the premortal existence. So I like to imagine that I sat upon His great knee in front of a warm fire and we talked. We talked about my goals and dreams, what I hoped for in my soon-to-be life. I like to envision myself as a strong spirit daughter of God, confident in His mercy, plans, and wisdom. Perhaps I was even joyful that I would get to go through such trials. Perhaps I begged to go through specific experiences. I like to imagine that we sat there and wrote my story. And that is what I would like to tell you today.

                I think it is interesting that I was perhaps joyful that I would get to be hurt, broken, torn, depressed, and all sorts of “good stuff” in this life. I was happy that I would get to face trials. Why is that? The reason behind that is because I knew my Father. He knew me, and I knew Him. I knew He knew me. I knew that in order to become like Him, I had to gain experience. And gaining experience doesn’t come from reading a text book. I also knew that He loved me, even enough that He would provide resources. He would never leave me helpless. He would send me prophets, scriptures, friends, family, the Holy Ghost, and even His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. He loved me enough that He would give His Only Begotten Son in order to get me back. Also, I knew that Christ loved me enough to die for me, to feel my sufferings, and to be my truest friend. And on top of that, I knew that God was all-knowing. I knew that He knew my limits. He had watched me as a spirit and intelligence and knew my limitations. He knew my weaknesses, my strengths, my dreams, and my potential. He KNEW me, inside and out. And that is why He would let me go through a fiery furnace. And that is why I was excited to go through the fiery furnace.

                Here we go…

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