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June 13, 2012

I Like To Sleep...

As I promised....
Much slumber.

Why do prophets and apostles consistently counsel us to get "enough sleep"?  Well, here are a few "physical" and "spiritual" reasons.

The Physical Reasons
Though scientists are not exactly certain why we need sleep, they do have several theories. says:

One theory that has emerged in recent years is that sleep helps us to process and consolidate new memories. Our memory system is a psychological wonder, and several studies have suggested that sleep provides some behind-the-scenes maintenance.
One school of thought is that sleep aids our memories by refreshing and reorganising them without interfering with our waking thoughts. Evidence comes from several studies using methods that record the brain directly. For instance, when rats were trained to find their way around a maze, their brains produced the same activity patterns during sleep as when they had carried out the task – suggesting that the brain was reconstructing the experience.
From this we also gain an important insight into the fascinating phenomenon of dreams. These crazy adventures our minds have while we are sleeping may be a product of our memories randomly activating so as to keep them fresh, and of the mind seeking connections between all the things we have recently experienced. This could also explain why hallucinations accompany sleep deprivation. Without the opportunity to reorganise our memories during sleep, dreams intrude into our waking lives, causing difficulty in distinguishing our inner lives from reality.

So, not only does sleep help give our body a chance to have a break, repair, and also can help with storing memories and sorting through them.  Sleep is a vital part of our lives, just like eating, drinking, and breathing.  Our body cannot fully function, nor our brain properly think or command, without a little bit of nighty-night.

The Spiritual Reasons
Elder Richard G Scott, in this previous April 2012 conference, said, "Revelation can also be given in a dream when there is an almost imperceptible transition from sleep to wakefulness... Exercise, reasonable amounts of sleep, and good eating habits increase our capacity to receive and understand revelation. We will live for our appointed life span." 
How many times in the scriptures have we heard about dreams, visions, and so forth. For example, in the book of Genesis, we learn of Joseph and the Pharaoh.  Pharaoh dreamed about the cattle and the corn.  Later on Joseph was able to decipher the dream and help save Egypt during famine.  (see Genesis 41.) 
Obviously, sleep is important.  I think sleep can be a great tool for God to use in order to give us special warnings, visions, and promptings. 
President Monson has said:
The Apostle Paul declared, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? … The temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” (1 Corinthians 3:16–17). Nutritious meals, regular exercise, and appropriate sleep are necessary for a strong body, just as consistent scripture study and prayer strengthen the mind and spirit.
Modern-day LDS temples even take "naps."  They are closed for cleaning, renovation, and so forth.  Maybe sleep is like that for the body.  We are better fortified when we wake up, we are fresh and ready for a new day, and we are preparing ourselves to receive revelation.

June 12, 2012


Exercise Ideas....

To go along with our whole "healthy life" section, inspired by L Tom Perry....

An Exercise Idea....

Hey, no moaning and groaning.  I know for some of us, we'd rather read than move.  I've felt that way before.  And I promise you, there are other ways to get fit besides the typical baseball, basketball, etc.

Here are a few ideas....

1. Ballroom:
   I do ballroom and it is so fun!  I've danced several different dancing styles over my past 6 years of dance experience, and I swear to cantaloupe, this is the most beautiful dancing style I've ever seen.  It is so beautiful and and sweet.  It doesn't need to be a romantic experience.  I know that's what I thought at first.  O great, it looks like a passionate romantic dance.  It may look like something that would really shake up your hormones, but I actually don't think of it that way.  It is very beautiful and fun and doesn't need to make you feel tingly inside.  You can go competitive, private, performance, or just for fun.  But I HIGHLY recommend it!


-You can burn anywhere from 200 to 300+ calories per hour. 
-Ballroom helps develop flexibility, strength, endurance, grace, posture, and friendships!

2. Yoga
   Yoga is as relaxing as a bath, but you burn WAY more calories.  It is a way to calm yourself after a long day, prepare yourself for activities, or just enjoy some serenity.  I would love to be able to bend this way!

-You can burn anywhere from 190-600 or so calories per hour.  (based off of 150 weight)
-Yoga helps build both mental, emotional, and physical stability, strength, flexibility, and endurance.

3. Pilates
   Pilates are somewhat like yoga, and often have many of the same moves.  But, pilates works more with abdominal work and core strength,along with alignment.  "Pilates is a body conditioning routine that helps build flexibility and long, lean muscles, strength and endurance in the legs, abdominals, arms, hips, and back. It puts emphasis on spinal and pelvic alignment, breathing to relieve stress and allow adequate oxygen flow to muscles, developing a strong core or center (tones abdominals while strengthening the back), and improving coordination and balance." - wikipedia


Good Eating/Nutrition/Word of Wisdom

  I promised some words on this blog about good eating, exercise, & sleep after the L Tom Perry post.   So, I went out and looked up some nutritious snacking ideas.  Here's the first.  Enjoy!

(Do you have a nutritious snack idea/recipe?!  Comment to share.)

Melon/Strawberry Salad.

Preparation Time

20 - 50 minutes

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • 1 x 250g punnet strawberries, washed
  • 1 tbs caster sugar
  • 125ml (1/2 cup) freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 1.5kg seedless watermelon
  • 1 rockmelon, halved, deseeded (cantalope)
  • 390g (1 1/2 cups) vanilla yoghurt
  • 90g almond bread


  1. Remove the green hulls from the strawberries. Cut the strawberries in half. Place in a large bowl. Sprinkle with the sugar. Strain the orange juice through a fine sieve into the bowl. Stir to combine.
  2. Use a melon baller to scoop balls from the watermelon. Add to the strawberry mixture. Repeat with the rockmelon. Stir until well combined. Place the strawberry mixture in the fridge for 30 minutes to chill and develop the flavours.
  3. Divide the strawberry mixture evenly among serving bowls. Serve with the yoghurt and almond bread.


Here are some fantastic quotes from L Tom Perry. By the way, I know I was always wondering...maybe you were too.  I always thought the L in L Tom Perry was "Larry," but it is actually LOWELL!  Wow, I was wrong.   Luckily you can't go too awfully wrong with quotes, so here I go.

  The Lord has commanded you to take good care of your body.   To do nutritious food, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep.  When you do all these gain the blessings of a healthy body, an alert mind, and the guidance of the Holy Ghost.

Powerful huh?!  I'll have more coming up on nutritious food, exercise, and sleep later on!

  (I know, it is super small!)  One of the greatest weaknesses in most of us is our lack of faith in ourselves.

Sorry, it was a fail for me.  I couldn't find too many quotes.  I guess I did go wrong!

(Do you have a favorite L Tom Perry quote?  Comment and we'll post it on the blog.)

June 9, 2012

Boyd K Packer Quotes

  Life was never meant to be either easy or fair.

  Family time is sacred time.

  Prayer is your personal key to Heaven.  The lock is your side of the veil, but that is not all.  To one who thought that revelation would flow without effort, the Lord said: You have not understood.  You have supposed that I would give it unto you when you tookn no thought save it was to ask me.  But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind, then you must ask me if it is right, and if it is right, I will cause that your bosom shall burn whithin you.  Therfore, you should feel that it is right.
Inspiration comes more as a feeling as a sound.

David A Bednar Quotes

I think Elder Bednar, though he is one of the newer members of the 12, is absolutely amazing and inspirational.  I hope you think so too.
-Flame Team

  Each family prayer, each episode of family scripture study, and each family home evening is a brushstroke on the canvas of our souls. 
(Wow, powerful!)

  Ordinary people who faithfully, dilligently, and consistently do simple things that are right before God will bring forth extraordinary results.

  The Lord knows who we really are, what we really think, what we really do, and who we really are becoming.