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November 27, 2013

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving

Here's something I heard this week that I think is so awesome, especially for Thanksgiving--

My seminary teacher went on a mission to Brazil. He had a companion who had grown up in the Latin American slums, with nothing. Yet, he was the top missionary for baptisms in the area. He couldn't even read the Book of Mormon, and yet, he had a testimony. One day, after my seminary teacher had been off his mission, he got an email from his companion. It said other things too, of course, but in it, it said,

"You know, I feel sorry for you."
My seminary teacher responded "Well why?"
"Because, you grew up in America. And over there, you guys have EVERYTHING and NOBODY'S happy. Over here, we  grew up with NOTHING and we're ALL happy. I'd rather have nothing and be happy than have everything and not be."

ISN'T THAT THE TRUTH? First world problems guys... Worrying about having the latest I-phone, the biggest house, the coolest car, none of that matters. We become so consumed with stupid, insignificant things like those that we lose sight of what's really important.

We have everything, and we're not happy. Tomorrow's Thanksgiving. Let us be happy and appreciate all that we've been blessed with, instead of worrying about what we don't have, is my humble prayer. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


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