Hi guys,
Hey um so school is starting soon and everyone's going to be in different surroundings. Even if you'll be in the same school or seemingly the same circumstances, things will be at least a little different. They are every year without fail.
Junior High School and High School aren't the most...including, if you will times. I mean, there's lots of cliques, and everyone's trying to figure out who they are, what they believe in, what they want to become, who their friends really are, and what standards they're going to hold. It's a busy time. It's the definite growing/transition period of life.
Just because some people may not have the strength to decide who they are and what they stand for doesn't mean that you have to follow in that pattern.
You will never influence the world by trying to be like it.
However, you can be great friends to the people who aren't really sure where their lives are heading, and you can be their light, their hope, and who knows? maybe even their role model.
So here are some ways to withstand the pressures of JHS and HS while still being a great friend and example:
1) I know it's a typical answer, but it really is important. Learn how to and have the courage to say "No". Is it worth it to save-face, to have people think you're cool, or is it better to follow what you believe and keep an eternal perspective, realizing just how much choices you make now can effect the rest of your life, and how you wouldn't want to trade eternal blessings for your shot at popularity.
**A tip: If an activity or outing is being suggested that you don't feel comfortable with, and you know that a couple others likely feel the same way you do, not only should you be the one to take a stand, but maybe suggest and alternate activity. You're not only getting yourself out of a nasty situation, but probably others who just didn't take the initiative to voice how uncomfortable they were.
2) Do not PRETEND you agree with something you don't support. A couple of examples- You hear a group of your friends/friendly acquaintances mocking one of your fellow classmates. You walk in on the conversation and they're like "Oh hey, we're just talking about So&So, isn't the way they _______ (fill in the blank) so totally annoying? They don't belong here at all. I hate them." Don't even nod or say "yeah, I guess". Have the courage to say "You know what? No. Let's be nice. They're a great person and I don't believe in making fun of people. Please don't talk like that around me anymore, guys" Or if someone uses bad language, and you're comfortable enough with them that it wouldn't be awkward, you CAN say "oh hey, I'm not comfortable with that kind of language, please don't talk like that around me." Now I do realize that you won't be able to do this that often, but you can try to block that language out of your mind when you hear it. You may think nobody notices that you do these sorts of things. But they DO, I know that personally.
**Never find yourself gossiping, putting someone-else down, or using inappropriate language. You'll feel better and so will the people around you.
3) Be helpful. Just be a friend who's always there to really listen, to offer words of encouragement on a tough day, and just to smile. Make sure that you're really nice and outgoing to people who may be outside of your friend circle. It's hard to hate happy people, and you never know when someone could really need your influence. Avoid being fickle, or only being there when it's convenient for you. Trustworthiness and dependability are good attributes to have.
4) If you're old enough, attend seminary. It's a good experience, and a way you'll surround yourself with people who have similar values as you. A good place to 'escape from the world', and focus on The Lord, read the scriptures, and keep in-tune with The Spirit.
5) PRAY. PRAY A LOT. You know there's a saying that goes, "If you only pray when you're in trouble, you're in trouble." I really believe that. Pray when it's hardest to pray. that's when you need to pray the most, when you don't want to. Remember to thank Him for all your blessings, and to ask Him to help you live His plan for you to the best of your ability. Also ask Him to help you know how you can help others. When you skip your prayers, life's just not the same. Praying helps you to be filled with the light of Christ, others can recognize that light, even if they don't know it's Christ's light, they'll know "something's different about you..."
6) Be happy. Truly. Be genuinely happy. Remember that someone else is happy with less than what you have. remember how blessed you are. Don't be fake happy, but if you have to force it a little at first, until you're really just a truly happy person, do it. People like to be around happy people. Be Optimistic.
7) Go to Young Women's. I don't care how bad you don't want to, do it. Even if the dynamic in your ward isn't the best, even if all of the girls don't get along, even if there are cliques, go. remember to be kind and fellowshipping to all girls at the activities, and go the extra mile to befriend girls who aren't generally as included.
8) Notice people's feelings. try to avoid being the oblivious friend who takes months to realize something's not right with a classmate, friend, etc. Be observant. Also, try to be someone that others feel comfortable talking to. Let them know that if they want to talk that they can always talk to you. Another big key is to not be judgmental. You don't have to agree with the decisions they're making in their lives to be a friend to them. It's not your place to judge. chances are there's extenuating circumstances, details that you don't know, and even if you know it all, The Lord is the only one qualified to judge. It's also important to respect people's wishes. Don't be pushy. As much as you may want to help everyone out, maybe the Lord has planned for someone else to help them. If someone pulls away, just give them some time. You don't want to push people too far out of their comfort zone.
9)Let's talk media. Stick. To. Your. Standards. Avoid R-rated movies, profane music, inappropriate books or magazines, etc. This includes pornography.
You can't wait until you're in the moment to decide what you believe in and what you will and won't watch, listen to, or read or put up with. Even though it's somewhat likely you'll be a little scrutinized or made fun of, you'll be doing what's right, and WOULD YOU RATHER PLEASE HEAVENLY FATHER OR YOUR PEERS? Think about that one. Besides, those who really care will respect your decisions, and probably admire you.
10) Keep your head up. Don't get discouraged! HAVE A GREAT SCHOOL YEAR!
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