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Life is all about taking chances, about doing something everyone said you couldn't do; it's about acting goofy; it's about not caring what other people think; it's about learning to love what you have.
If what you see by the eye doesn't please you, then close your eyes and see from your heart. Because the heart can see beauty and love mroe than the eyes can ever wonder.
I'm the type of girl...who will burst out laughing at something that happened yesterday.
Best friends: We are the kind of people who laugh at a joke 3 times - once when it is told, a second time when someone explains it to us, and five minutes later, when we actually get it.
Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.
Dare to be remarkable.
A smile is a curve that can straighten out a lot of things.
The next time you think you're perfect - try walking on water.
Do what makes you happy. Be with who makes you smile. Laugh as much as you breathe. Love as long as you live.
Life is too short. Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can. Apologize when you should. And let go of what you can't change. Love deply and forgive quickly. Take chances. Give everything and have no regrets. Life is too short to be unhappy. You have to take the good with the bad. Smile when you are sad. Love what you got always, remember what you had. Always forgive and learn from your mistakes. People change & things go wrong, but always remember:
Life goes on!
A girl is much more than she seems: Not a toy. Underneath the hair and the makeup, there's a sign that says, "Handle with care."
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