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June 8, 2012

The power of prayer

Hey all!

Many authors that have been invited to do so, write on this blog. This is the first time that I have come up with something to write about.

I just wanted to briefly talk about the power of prayer.

Even when it is super late at night, and you feel extremely fatigued, you always need to get down and pray. Christ sacrificed so much for all of us that the least we can do is pray. I know that it is sometimes hard for me to get down on my knees when it's past midnight, but I always do so, and I feel it's blessings in my life. I also feel that doing so shows your dedication to your father in heaven.

I will be posting more on this blog soon, I hope this post doesn't seem too corny... :)


Miamaids 2nd councelor
Former Beehive's president
Syracuse Bluff Stake
Hansen Meadows Ward

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