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June 13, 2012


Our first Young Women value that we state in our theme.

Why is faith so important?
To me, faith is knowing that God knows what is ahead and that I can do what He has called me to do.  It is believing He is putting me through these trials because He wants me to come out as a better person.  It is knowing that He loves me, that He is watching me, and that He hears me.

I don't know how much this applies, but I am going to share it anyway.

A few weeks ago, I received notification that one of my close friends was suicidal.  It was a very tragic time period and...phew, luckily she is getting better now.  But I noticed one thing that happened and caused her to turn to that option (which should never be an option.)

My friend had began to loose faith that there is somebody out there who knows her personally, who loves her, who cares for her, and who knows exactly what she was going through.  We tried and tried to tell her that God loved her, but she couldn't seem to find it in herself.  She kept asking if there was somebody who would understand her. 

I promise you - there is somebody who loves you and understands you.  Please, good sisters, don't loose your faith in His divine love, His perfected plan, and His infinite understanding.  He knows you.  I promise you - He is there.  If you will just have the faith to trust in His love, to climb into His everlasting outstretched arms, and to give your life to Him - knowing that He knows all you are going through - you will find peace, understanding, joy, and comfort.  It may not be easy, but life was never meant to be easy.  Have the faith to get to know Christ and your Heavenly Father.  Have the faith to give your life over to them.  Have faith in Their plan.  Have faith in their infinite knowledge.

:) Much love,

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