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May 12, 2012

Prom...Prom...Is it possible to be modest??

If you are struggling to find a modest prom dress, I promise you IT IS POSSIBLE!  Being modest during this special event will show your date that you aren't willing to sacrifice your standards for a dance and that you respect yourself...and him!
This is a cute article I found on about modesty.
And this is a great website to find cute prom dresses!
Here are a few samples of dresses from Latter Day can see more by clicking the above link.  They have adorable dresses! 

Another great place to go is:
They also have way great dresses!

Girls, you can be modest and stylish at the same time!  When you let your light shine to the world, others can be touched.  Don't be afraid to look for modest dresses or be the only one in your group who is modest!  You can do it!
-Flame Team

DO YOU KNOW A GOOD PROM COMPANY?  SHARE!  Leave a comment on this post!

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