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September 30, 2012

Agency: The Wolf You Feed

We learned about this in my Seminary class.
I strongly encourage you to read this article.  It is about our wonderful gift of agency, and how we "choose which wolf we feed."
"No man can serve to masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and mammon**." - Matthew 6: 24

**Mammon means riches, the world, and worldly goods.

Get away from it all: Relieving Stress and Finding Peace

Hi ladies/gents/or whoever decides to read this!
   As we're sinking into the school year, emerging ourselves in homework, and starting up our extracurricular activities, I thought I'd post a few ways on how to get away from it all.
   Though it is important to do all of the things mentioned above, there are times that we need to be alone  We all need time to just relax, clear our minds, or talk to God.  So here are a few ways to relax, improve your stress-management, and get away from it all.  Here is a good resource (and one of my main ones) where you can get more info:

1. Take a walk:  I know this is super elementary, but walking really does help.  You could even bike, longboard, ripstick...whatever.  Just get out and move your muscles at a comfortable, non-stressful pace, and think.  Go to nature. Watch the kids play in their front yards as you pass by.  Think about what is really important in life.

2. Use repetition:  Do something that is repetitive, something you can loose yourself in. suggests walking (like mentioned before), painting, swimming, knitting. Do something that is freelance, relaxing, and not stressful. When you swim, don't do it for time.  When you knit, don't do it for product.  When you walk, don't do it for distance.  The point of relaxation is not the destination, but the journey.

3. Eat stress-reducing foods: By this I do not mean stress meds.  I mean foods that will help you both concentrate and rejuvenate, stay healthy and stay focused.  Healthy food can help reduce stress (wow...big surprise right?  Always thought it was ice cream.)  Though some suggest sugar-packed, fatty foods, here are a few suggestions that comply with the Flame style.
  •    Oranges: Oranges have a lot of vitamin C, which has been shown to help curve stress.
  • Spinach: I know...most of you are like "eww...Popeye...gross," but spinach is actually really good for you.  It contains magnesium, which a lack of may result in headaches or 
               Here are a few cooking suggestions. 
  • Avocados: These green babies contain a lot of potassium, which helps to reduce your blood pressure.  (ah-hah!!)  Put them on a salad, in a salsa, in guacamole...smother it on your face, whatever.
  • Raw vegetables: Raw veggies are basically the cure for everything.  Eat lots of them!  A few good ways to eat them is a salad, dipping them in an organic salad dressing, or smothering peanut butter on them.  Dig in and enjoy!

4. Tap Chakras and Meditate:  If there is something bugging you, or if you just need a little time out, try tapping your chakras and meditating. Below, I have a picture from of the chakra points.  Chakras usually can be tapped in several different places.  This is how I like to do it:
  • Meditate: Sit down, nice and straight.  Back straight, shoulders relaxed, hands on your knees.  At my school, we do this for a minute every class period, and our motto is: Eyes closed, mouth closed, mind opened.  I want you to do the same thing.  Take deep breaths and clear your mind.  Focus on the tasks you are preparing for.  **I recommend meditating for at least a few minutes every day.  My headmaster suggests doing it in the morning.**
  • Chakra Tapping: is a good place to go to learn about chakras.  It's kind of hard to explain it over the computer, so I would suggest finding someone who does reflexology, energy healing, or Reiki to help you. It really does help, and I do it all the time to resolve issues.  I talk to myself while I do it, so it is really refreshing and rejuvenating.  I know this sounds super hippy, but my mom does Reiki and I have some amazing older friends who work with energy, and it really does work!

5. Fast, pray, and study:  When it feels like the world is getting to be too much for you (and even when it is not), I highly recommend the above three things. 
Fast: For those of you who are unfamiliar with fasting, here's a brief definition.  Fasting (like when Jesus fasted for 40 days) is when you go without food or drink for a designated amount of meals.  I would suggest starting out small for first timers.  You start out your fast with a prayer, and end it with a prayer, telling God your reasons for fasting.  I suggest doing this on Sunday if possible. 
Pray: I strongly invite you to pray.  Prayer is a way of sorting your thoughts, speaking to God, and finding answers.  It is one of the only resources you will always have and that will always be useful. Pray for guidance, for strength, and for understanding. 
Study: Study the scriptures. They contain great words of wisdom.  "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for docrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness - that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." -2nd Timothy 3: 16-17

6. Seminary:  Many of you have heard of seminary, and some of you haven't.  But I promise it is one of the most inspirational places in the world.  In my state, we are blessed to have it offered as
 a released-time school class, and as early morning classes.  It is where you are taught by wise men or women who have studied and searched the scriptures.  They have amazing insight!  It is so wonderful. :)  I encourage all of you to go, LDS or not, especially since this year is New Testament Studies (2012-2013) and is so amazing!! It is truly a place of peace and strength.

7. The Temple: For those of you with current temple recommends, go to the temple frequently!  It is a place of inspiration and peace!  If you don't have a recommend, get one.  It will change your life.  Pinky promise.

September 16, 2012

Mutual Ideas for Young Women PLUS

Here are a few more ideas for Mutual Activities! :) Enjoy!!

  • Learn how to arrange flowers.  Deliver bouquets to neighbors in need.
  • The 12 Days of Christmas Mutual Activities. Do two-or-three every week.
    • "A Partridge in a Pear Tree": Make a pear recipe or two and share it for dinner.  Here are a few recipes.  You could also do "pair up" (like pear up) games, like the three legged race. 
    • "Two Turtle Doves": Make a turtle or a dove craft.  You could even make cornflake turtles.
    • "Three French Hens": Do a "French" Christmas Traditions Activity.  Here are a few ideas.
    • "Four Calling Birds": You could play games like Telephone, or you could learn how to do some sign language. If you want a more spiritual activity, you could talk about how to "magnify your callings" as sisters, future mothers, friends, and other positions.
    • "Five Golden Rings": Make Bling Rings.  Here is how.
    • "Six Geese-a-laying": Play Duck-Duck-Goose. 
    • "Seven Swans a Swimming": Go swimming!  (Or go to the Swan Lake.)
    • "Eight Maids a Milking": Learn some housekeeping ideas.  Or make a recipe involving milk.  If possible, you could even go milk a cow!
    • "Nine Ladies Dancing": Learn how to do a unique form of dancing (like Bali, Ballroom, Ballet, etc.) 
    • "Ten Lords of Leaping": Have a teenage version of Leap Frog.
    • "Eleven Pipers Piping": Use pipe cleaners in a craft.
    • "Twelve Drummers Drumming": You could make homemade drumsticks.
  • Have a "Slumber Party":  Since many stakes don't really like having sleep overs, you could do a late night.  Wear pajamas, have pizza, snacks, play Just Dance--- just have fun getting to know each other! (You can always watch a LDS chick-flick!)
  • Act out a scripture story and video tape it.  Make it a little goofy...that's always the best. :)

Mutual Activities

Oh goodness, girls - is it bad if I'm already craving girls' camp???!!!
  Good I have Mutual in the meantime!!!

Love love love!

So, basically, below I'll be posting some cute ideas (spiritual, fun, etc.) that you can do.  And they each apply to a value in some way or another.  So, cheers!

  • Make an About Me poster using old catalogues and magazines (like the New Era.)  You can also make Vision Boards using this concept.  Way fun! Divine Nature all the way.
  • Family History/Indexing Night: These are always fun and very service-y.  Pair this up with a slide show, projector, and a good instructor (plus some like snacky goodies) and you're good to go!
  • Assemble Humanitarian Projects: If money allows it, have each girl bring a couple items.  You could even do this to help an Eagle Scout.
  • Adopt A Grandparent: Go to an old folks' home (assisted living) and each girl "adopts" (reads to, hangs out with, plays with) a specific old folk for the night.  Make sure you call in before hand for this one.
  • Music Stations/Musical Themed Ideas:  1. Learn how to conduct music Station.  2. A Disney Sing-It station.  3. Talent area.  4. Begin learning a new song to sing in Sacrament as a group.  5. Frost music-note sugar cookies.  6. Watch a musical.  7. Go to a musical.
  • Tasting Table: Each girl brings a dish (like some may bring a casserole, a dessert, side dish, etc.) to share.  You put them on a table, including the recipe, and just have a nice dinner.  The Tasting Table is basically a way to have girls exercise their homemaking skills and have a nice meal together! :)
  • Budgeting Night: Make a list of things needed for a dinner (an example list is below.)  Give a "budget" for the whole group and take them to the store.  They have to try to buy all the items(coupons, discounts, and sales are a few good helps).  Then go back to a leader's house and make the meal.  Discuss how having a budget can help you later on as a homemaker and the difficulties of staying in your budget.
    • Example List (cannot go over 25 bucks for whole class):
      • 2 bags of pre-shredded Mozarella cheese
      • 2 pouches of pepperoni
      • 3 cans of tomato sauce
      • 5 pre-made dough cans (like Pillsbury)
      • A bag of chips
      • 2 jugs of soda
  • Class Temple Night: This one is so simple but it is a favorite in my ward.  Gather a little earlier for mutual, go to the temple with your class, and then go out to McDonalds or something like that for the dollar menu after.  Way fun and worth the trip!
  • Go swimming and learn water safety
  • Campfire night: This is a good prep for girls' camp!  Have the girls build a few fires and roast marshmallows, hot dogs, or Starburst over the fire. Learn about fire safety and area regulations.
  • Have an international night:  For example....
    • Beehives could be based off of India.  They could dress up if they wanted to.  They basically get to learn about the culture (if possible, have a person from India teach), and make a recipe from India to share with the other two classes.
    • Mia Maids could be based off of China...same thing as Beehives.
    • Laurels could be based off of Mexico...same thing as Beehives. 
    • All share their dishes and some information they learned about that country.

More to come soon!

September 15, 2012

Fall Craft Ideas

I stinking love Martha Stewart!  She's got some great ideas, so make sure you check them out!
Below I've posted some of her ideas and links!  Thanks!  Have a nice fall! :)

Glitter Pop-up Place Cards

Pumpkin carving is coming up so soon!  She's got some adorable ideas for that!
Funny-Face Pumpkinshaha...I can only DREAM of being that good!

The Secret is Be You

Hi Guys!
  Check out "The Secret is Be You!"
   It's my friends' blog and they have some way cute ideas on there! :)


September 14, 2012

Bramblewood Modesty

So, just for your info, if you look over on the right side of our blog you'll see a whole bunch of references.  And I have a ton of modest/encouraging links, so make sure you check them out!

Our highlight today is  Way to go modest! Check them out!