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August 19, 2012

Do You Choose to Be Pure?

   So, this post is about choosing to be pure.  The video that I have linked to is a video of several different youth, from various denominations, who have committed to purity.
    Please join these youth in their commitment to virtue.

Examples of Amazing Young Women

Hi Friends!
  Here are a few videos I found about some amazing young women in our times!  They truly are examples of the "Flame" and hold up the Light of Christ.  Click, enjoy, and comment!

-This video is about a girl's search to know the validity that God is there and that she had a testimony of the truth.
-This video is about a trial a girl and her family went through, and the faith that she had.
-This video is about a girl who, despite her ailment, chose to serve others and help those less fortunate than her.
-This video is about a girl who has blessed others through her talent, and shown her gratitude through sharing her gifts.

Music Ideas

Hi guys!
  This is a great website to get free, uplifting music downloads.  Try it out!
:) Flame

Have you done any good??

Hi ladies!

   This post is going to be based off of doing "good continually" and serving others. It will include some ideas, videos, and other things.  :)

-This video is by Alex Boye and Carmen Rasmusen Herbert.  It's their music video "Have I Done Any Good in the World Today."  It's really good.  :)
-This video is about a girl with cerebral palsy and the people whose "hands became His hands" and their hearts "became His heart."
-This video is about a sweet lady from Delaware who served those with disabilities, including her own child.
-This video is about an amazing woman who serves so many people!  She is so awesome.  :)

Now that you've seen some ways to serve and some "motivational" videos, here are a few other examples of how you can "do good."  See for more ideas.

Some Examples of How YOU Can Serve:
  1. Smile: It's so simple, but it can make a huge difference in someone's life.  There's this kid at my work who always smiles when I walk by, and it just makes me happy and feel better (since my work can be exhausting.)
  2. Get the door for somebody: This isn't just for boys (though many girls appreciate it.)  See a person in a wheelchair, a mother with a stroller, or an older person approaching a door?  Help open it for them. 
  3. Write an article, a song, a post, etc:  Write something motivational and share it!  What's the purpose of writing beautiful words if they can't touch someone besides you?
  4. Bake goodies for somebody: I love doing this!  People always appreciate it so much, and it is fun and easy.  (And plus, you usually get to eat the leftovers.) :)
  5. Encourage/compliment others: It's so easy.  "Good job on your science project!"  "Come on -  I know you can get your left side splits!"  "Your hair is so cute today!"
  6. Say thank you..
  7. Help clean up a yard of a neighbor who may not have time to, or is moving.
  8. Pay tithing or donate to a good cause.
  9. Follow inspiration: You never know when your influence is needed!
  10. Volunteer at a local hospital, museum, or elderly home.
There are so many ways to help, so just remember to always be open to those opportunities.

August 17, 2012

Modesty Videos from Various Churches

Hi Girls!
  So these are a few modesty videos I found from various denominations (churches) and their viewpoints on modesty!  Hope you enjoy!
      I'm not sure what denomination these guys are from, but this is a pretty interesting video.  I know for my church, we do believe in covered shoulders, and they didn't mention that too much.  But I loved how they talked about carrying yourself and representing Christ through how you dress.  I also really liked how they talked about drawing attention.  Enjoy!  
      This one is really cute and made by some young girls!  They are of some christian denomination, and I thought they did a good job.
       This one is very good as well!  It's from a Catholic viewpoint and has some very good points.
        This is another really good video, like a group discussion about modesty.
          I love this one.  It's about a modesty fashion show.  It's so good!
           I like this one because it talks about being modest at church or mass.


Hi Ladies!
  I got on today, not really knowing what it was I should post about. 
  Now, I think I know.
  To start off, I wanted to post this video from

I love that video.  It reminds me of a story that my stake president told in a high council meeting, which my father was in attendance. 
When my stake president was young and my hometown Syracuse was just farmland, he had a bike.  He loved this bike.  It was his favorite toy.  But one day it broke, and his father took him to the landfill to throw away his bike.
Years later, just like Idaho Falls, Syracuse's landfill is now a park. There are homes there.  There are trees, families, and even ponds.
Just like in the video, it would be ridiculous to dig my stake president's bike back up.  Why would you want something broken to resurface in your life, and destroy the beauty that has replaced it?
Just like these two stories, we all have mistakes, weaknesses, addictions, problems, and issues.  But once we give them over to Christ, it would be ridiculous to try to get them back. 
That's the wonderful thing about the Atonement and the Savior.   Christ can make shortcomings into successes and gross landfills of sin into beautiful parks. 
Once we have given our sins over to Christ, we should not try to reclaim them.  We should not return to them.  Carrying around a broken bike for the rest of our life would be clutter.  We should not hoard our mistakes, shortcomings, or issues.

It's time to let your landfill become a park.


August 12, 2012

Young Women Mutual Ideas

Here are some Mutual Ideas.  :) Enjoy!!

Mutual Activities
  • Faith Walk: Set this up in a back yard or something like that. Take a rope and tie it to tries, posts, fences, etc. to make a path.  Blindfold each girl and lead her down the rope.  Have the class presidency tempt them (for example say: "Jen! We have ice cream sandwiches over here...just follow me!") or throw water balloons at them.  Have faith stops, etc.
  •  Make clay jewelry!  This is way fun and home-making like! We did this for my Mia Maid class, and with was so great. :) 
  • Do a lip gloss night.  We did this and it was way great!  Click here for recipes. 
  • Parade of rooms.  I've never done this, but it sounds fun (and a good excuse to clean your room.)
  • Have a recipe night.  We've done this before and it was way great!  You could make recipe boxes, exchange recipes, or learn how to make different seasonal recipes.  For example: 1 - We made cinnamon rolls!  Way fun.  2 - We learned different Autumn Recipes from several girls/moms.  The recipes were exchanged and then we got to sample each!
  • Dirty Doubles Kickball.  You play this like kickball except for a few details.  Each base is composed of "dirtying" things.  The first is a baby pool full of shaving cream.  The second is a baby pool of mud.  And the 3rd is a baby pool full of water, with a water slide to home base.  Make sure the girls are dressed appropriately.   Then pair them into doubles, tie them together by their legs (like a 3 legged race), and play!
  • I've never done this, but this sounds great for Presidency Training: Leadership Training Sleepover - Present four 20 minute workshops: 1) Positive Attitude, 2) Friendship, 3) Time Management and 4) Personal Progress. After a night of snacks, games, and fun, end the activity with a simple breakfast. Follow up with a leadership training lesson at your next class presidency meeting on Daily Spiritual Preparation.