Well, as missionaries are such a hot topic right now, I have noticed a lot of fuss about shoes. Yes, shoes.
Girls' best friend, I've heard, but not so much when it comes to sister missionary shoes. Enjoy and comment!
L. L. Bean (www.llbean.com) : I am surprised I never thought of LL Bean previously, but they have some GREAT stuff (especially SHOES) for sis misses. Here are some suggestions with links!

Current other suggestion links: http://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/76875?feat=506706-GN3&page=women-s-indispensable-skimmers-print
LANDS' END (www.landsend.com): Shoes, shoes, shoes by Lands' End!
SHOE CARNIVAL www.shoecarnival.com
Here are some of their shoes!! AND SOME COME IN SIZE 5555555555555555555555!!!!! EHEHEHEHEE....*cough* sorry
Just some for now...good luck!!
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