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June 28, 2012

Secret Sister...Galore Plus More

:) I love Secret Sister.  I just got my secret sister assignment and I am so super psyched! Super excited!  So, here are some more ideas for that special secret sister at Girls' Camp!
-Much Love: Flame

1  Bath and Body Works has some awesome $2 travel sized lotions, body washes, etc.  And you can maybe even find it in your Secret Sister's favorite.  Super affordable and fabulous!  You could relate it to how we are all rough and calloused, but through Christ our rough edges can be smoothed.
Warm Vanilla Sugar® Mini Body Cream - Signature Collection - Bath & Body Works

2. Another awesome Bath and Body Works: LipLicious is a lip gloss and comes in multiple smells/flavors!  I think they are awesome and would be fantastic for any gift.  Depending on the flavor, they can start off at $3.00.  You could apply it to how our "lips" must only utter good things.
Blackberry Taffy Lip Gloss - LipLicious - Bath & Body Works

3. They also offer cute little candles that start at $2.00.  You could apply it to the "Flame" or to the Light of Christ.
Market Peach 1.3 oz. Mini Candle - Slatkin & Co. - Bath & Body Works

4. Hairbows.  They can come pretty cheap and you can find them at any superstore like Target (as shown below).  If it flower-shaped, you could apply it to faith and how it blossoms.

Gimme Couture Hair Clip- Dazzling Dahlia

5.  EOS Lipbalm Spheres are pretty awesome.  I've seen them all over and you can also find them at Target.  They are also like $3.00
EOS Organic Lip Balm Sphere - Strawberry Sorbet

6. Any cute toe supplies:

COS BAR at Target® Toesies - Set of 3Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure - Kook-A-Mango

Personal Progress!

  I'm (finally) getting more Personal Progress Ideas on here.  Most of these can work for multiple values.  Enjoy!

-Mentor another girl.  If you know how to sew, cook, crochet, scrapbook - just about anything - you can mentor another girl.  Spend at least ten hours preparing lessons, actually teaching, and supervising her in her efforts to learn.

-Learn a special skill yourself. Tie-dying, sewing, quilting, scrapbooking, etc.  And then you can even use it to serve somebody else.  Let's say you learn how to tie-dye: You can then tie-dye blankets, shirts, and other objects for kids in the hospital.  They can always use more color and love!

-Use your already developed skills to serve others.  If you know how to quilt, you can make quilts for the hospital.  If you are a poet, you can make a jumbo-font-sized book of original poetry for the old folks' home.  Use your talents to make others feel good!

-There's also a Good Works value experience that has you serve for 3 or so hours.  (It's number six.)  One good way to accomplish that experience is to volunteer to work at a wedding.  This is HUGE in my area.  Let's say Sister Cook's daughter Jenny is getting married. You can volunteer to greet guests, take gifts, and serve food.  It's way fun and a super easy way to get those hours in.

-Volunteer locally.  I know some hospitals take volunteers, along with old folks' homes, elementaries, and museums.  I volunteer at the Tree House Museum in Ogden, Utah and have been using my hours to get my Good Works' Project.

Let us know if you like this type of post!  Please comment to share your ideas!

June 27, 2012

Handouts 4

Here are some more Creative Memories Handouts.  Most of these are Thomas S Monson.  I noticed somebody was looking for some D&C 84:88 ones as well, so I created one of those.  Let me kow if you have any handout ideas.
:) Flame
-Doctrine and Covenants 84: 88

-Believe in the Words You Say 2012

-Diverstiy 2012

-We Live in Troubled Times 2012

Packages & Geodes: Lessons about the beauty on the inside

To start off, here's a quick analogy for you:

Your local mailman (or lady) comes to the door and shows you two different items:
A beautifully wrapped, bow-on-top type of box.
A plain, old cardboard box with a mailing address sticker on top.

He tells you that you can either have one or the other, but each packaging contains a different content.

Which one would you chooose if you didn't know the contents?

One thing about humans is that they are normally drawn to pretty things.  They want to be pretty.  They want to have the best looking car, the best looking house, the best looking spouse....

But that's not the point.

Sometimes the most beautiful and spectacular items are located in the humblest of packages.
Meaning that you can't always judge a book by its cover.

Some of the most wonderful people I've ever met are not beauty queens or body builders.  Some of the most wonderful and precious qualities are housed inside those who are not necessarily gorgeous.

It is like one of our scripture masteries from last year:  1st Samuel 16: 7

 But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord aseeth not as bman seeth; for man looketh on the outward cappearance, but the dLord looketh on the eheart.

I love that scripture.  How often do we judge somebody because they are overweight, short, or have disabilities?  Do we try to get to know their heart?  If we were to see our fellow man through Christ's eyes, we'd see their potential, their inner beauty, and their gifts - not what package they come in.

If we were to be walking down the street together and see this rock (below), what would we think?  Oh, it's just another's of no significance.

But maybe if we were to look a little deeper, to "look on the heart", we would see something deeper.  In reality, that old, dirty looking rock was simply the packaging.  On the inside, we would see...
I hope all of us (including myself) learn to see more than just the package, but we try to  go past the outward appearance.

June 24, 2012

The Day Ever Little Girl Dreams of.....Temple Marriage

I've been dreaming about it since I was just a little girl....

And you probably have been too.

Hi Ladies,

    A few days ago, I got an email from a viewer talking about how much she appreciated the link to LDS Bride under our "Favorites."  She told me how she loves being able to find cute modest clothes.  That inspired me.
    In many Young Womens' lessons, activities, and meetings, we hear about being sealed in the temple.  For those outside of our religion, they may find it hard to see why we adore the temple and why it is our goal. 
    So why is the temple part of the ideal LDS Marriage?
    1. The temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are special holy places.  We believe they are the house(s) of Diety, where Christ Hisself walks.  We believe that through the holy dedicatory prayers and processes, that they are dedicated unto the Lord.  Those who enter must be worthy to enter and obtain a current temple recommend (or CTR.)  This does not signify that the temple patrons are perfected.  We go to the temple to be perfected.  Those who enter with pure hearts and open minds will be able to feel His Spirit in abundance.
    2. We want to be together forever.  Imagine this: You are once again a young child.  Your father one day comes up to you and says, "Here is a special china doll for you."  You love that doll. It is priceless to you.  But, your father said one thing that dampens it all: "You can only have this doll for a week."  That is like becoming part of a family and having a spouse who you love immensely and not being with them for the rest of time and all eternity.  We believe that families can be together...FOREVER!  In the holy temples, families are sealed together through the priesthood, a power given to worthy men through God.  And best of all - this marriage has no experation date.  This family does not have a timer.  We can be together FOREVER!

    I, like many of you good sisters and amazing friends, have put this eternal marriage high on my priority list.  It is worth it!  Being together forever, even if it means not being able to have a close non-LDS friend attend or not being able to get married on the beach, is most important.

    Not only must we seek for godly, Christ-minded, and wonderful men who bear the priesthood, honor their covenants, and think we are the bee's knees (awesome), but we must reflect that.  We must be worthy.  We must honor our covenants.  We must be the virtuous young women that young men would die for!
     I know I've had this part planned out for a long time:  THE DRESS!
     Now, it's not like the dress is all that matters, of course.  The man and the location are the important factors.  But, the dress is fun and it is hard to find modest wedding dresses.  So, in honor of my friend's are a few Latter Day Bride favorites of mine. 

:) Flame

Click on them to see in greater detail! :)
Channing  Helene  Brighton  Littleton  Sunderland  Christella   Gisella  Florentine  Hartford

*Do you have a favorite modest wedding dress company, a favorite dress, or something to say about eternal marriage? Comment/email and let us know!*

June 23, 2012

Handouts 3

Again, made with Creative Memories!  Enjoy!  Let me know if you need these translated...I will make handouts in the future that are actually in foreign languages!
:) Flame

-Who's on the Lord's Side? 2012

-1st Nephi 11: 8 2012

-Golden Ticket 2012

-Forgotten 2012

June 22, 2012

Handouts 2

More handouts.  These are ones I made with Creative Memories.  Please enjoy.  Right click and "save as" so you can print and use them!
:) Flame

-He Knows You 2012
-We are greater than we suppose 2012
-Butterfly 2012

-Matthew 3: 16-17