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December 29, 2013

EMbrace Yourself

 “BRACE YOURSELF!!!” I’m sure most of you have heard that saying before.

Scriptures, Sharing, and Sledgehammers: The Art of Rebuilding #2

   I have written to you previously about something very dear to my heart– the art of rebuilding. Here’s the [link] to my old article about it. Today, I’d like to go a little further into the same topic.

December 25, 2013

You are more than just scars

     Over the past few months, I have either talked to or heard of many friends who have been hurt, who have fallen, who are broken.

December 15, 2013

I Pray for You: Living Worthy to Someday Be Sealed for Eternity

  I am so grateful for a gracious, loving, forgiving Heavenly Father. He truly does love us. He truly does care immensely for every one of His children. I know He is willing and open to revealing great and wonderful things to you in His time.